Can you hear It?

919 33 5

TW: hallucinations, panic attacks, knives, accidental self harm, blood, needles, brainwashing, torture, experimentation


POV Poltergeist:

I woke up the next morning with a light headache, but I hadn't had any nightmares, so that was a plus. Unfortunately, I was running out of weed and without it, I doubt I'd get any proper sleep. Stretching, I looked around the room to see Soap still passed out and Ghost nowhere to be seen. Huh, makes sense. Getting up silently, I grabbed a tank top, black hoodie, and sweatpants. Making my way out of the room, I glanced at my watch. 0300. That.. was more sleep then normal. Shrugging it off, I headed off to the personal shower Price had set up for me. 

Leaning down to unlock it, I winced at the creak the door let out. I quickly walked in and locked the door behind me, turning on the dim light. The single shower stall, and wide mirror were all that greeted me. Letting a relieved sigh out, I turned on the shower water, knowing it takes a while to heat up. In the meantime, I set to work stripping off my clothes. The only real struggle was my shoulder, which stung. When I reached up to grab my mask to pull it off, I paused, flashbacks racing through my head. 

The lab tables, the gauntlet, the ropes and whips.. it all flashed through my mind in a matter of seconds, Tolu's gas mask and his warped laughter echoing. Shaking my head, I slid off my masks and looked at myself in the mirror. The scars never got prettier to look at, and only brought more flashbacks. Shaking my head, I ran a hand through my hair, ignoring the tall figure now occupying the corner of the bathroom. "You can't ignore me forever, Patient Zero." I shuddered, the voice echoing through my ears and head, seemingly all around me. Setting my masks with my clothes, I stepped into the now-hot shower water. 

"What? Have you finally gone deaf?" I had learned enough to ignore him, knowing if I responded I only encouraged him. However, it didn't stop my racing heartbeat, shaky body, and lightheadedness from showing up, making me nearly collapse as the room spun. The shower water flickered, turning into injections, to water, and back again. Startled, I jolted back, barely managing to realize I was having a hallucinatory panic attack, making it hard for me to breathe, stand right, or get a grip on my surroundings. Backing away from the figure in the corner, I felt my throat start to close up as I sunk down into the corner. Gasping for air, I didn't have the strength to push Tolu away as he approached, wrapping a calm hand around my throat. "I'll make you listen then." 

I struggled, making a grab for my knife and managing to wrap a shaky hand around it, before stabbing it into Tolu's arm that was wrapped around my throat. He jolted back, causing a long jagged slice in his arm and leading down to his wrist. He looked down at it, before smiling sickly. "Still got your edge, good. I'll put it to good use when you finally snap~" And with that, he vanished, along with all the visions of blood, dead bodies, needles and glass. I was left alone, the water running steadily. Starting to breathe, I took a moment to gather my thoughts. Tolu appearing wasn't anything too new, however I thought I had suppressed him and his damned hallucinations years ago. Them being back only meant 2 things: something bad was coming, or I was starting to slip again. 

Starting to get up, I let a sharp pained gasp out, looking at my arm. The injury I had inflicted on Tolu's hallucination was on my arm. I had stabbed and slashed myself. Muttering a string of curses in different languages, I stood up and stepped under the hot water, whole body relaxing despite the screaming pain of the cut. I took a moment to gather myself, before turning off the water and stepping out, beginning to get dressed after putting on some bandages over the wound. I put on my tank-top first, then put my hoodie on. Then, once I got my boxers and sweatpants on, I glanced at my watch. 0400. I might have time to work out now, if I was fast with the stitching. 

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