Breakfast and Cuddles

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TW: drugs and the usage of drugs (weed/pot), cussing

Author's Note: sorry this chapter took so long, I recently switched jobs and moved so things have been chaotic. enjoy the boys having a peaceful moment (with the help of things they shouldn't have) as my apology :]


POV: König

I woke up the next morning to find arms wrapped around my chest and waist, the smell of waffles and brownies heavy in the air. My body felt like lead, the amount of relaxation making my muscles feel heavy. I managed to move my head, finding Johnny laying against my right side and Simon against my left. I could feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks at the way Johnny's hand was idly resting over my waist, and Simon's hand placement wasn't helping: draped across my chest like a secure lock. For once I understood how Zero felt that night. I tried to shimmy my way out of Simon's and Johnny's grasps, but all I earned in return was a mildly-angry grumble and a whine. Sighing, I decided to look around from my spot, seeing as I don't remember anything after taking off my mask from the previous night. 

I spot Simon's mask alongside mine, discarded haphazardly on the nightstand, as well as Zero's. The thought that Zero was up and moving around despite not wearing his mask brought a small smile to my face. After a while, I felt Simon stir. A small groan, before his eyes flickered open, coming out of the post-sleep haze almost as quickly as a snap as he looked around, before his eyes met mine. His eyes - usually so cold and calculating - seemed almost calm. Moments later, Zero walked in. Spotting me and Simon awake - and Johnny comfortably snoring - he grinned, before saying in a soft tone so he doesn't wake up Johnny, "I made breakfast, if you two can escape him." That drew a chuckle from Simon, who easily detached himself from my side as he sat up, a low groan rumbling out of his wide chest. Leaving me to figure out how to detach Johnny from my side, he got up off the bed and walked over to Zero, pulling him into a surprisingly tender hug. 

In the meantime, I tried to carefully detach Johnny's arm from my waist, earning a whine and his grip tightening. I glance over at Simon and Zero for help, but they just watched with amusement as Zero teased, "Come on König, you've got this." I wanted to say something snappy in return, before I spotted something.. odd. Zero's eyes were pink. His irises were still the usual blues and greens, yet his eyes looked blood-shot. Intensely so. I glance at Simon, to see if he noticed too, and all I get is a chuckle in response and a rumbled, "What König? Surprised?" Yes I was surprised. This was Zero of all people. A Zero who looked.. noticeably more relaxed then even last night. A Zero who was the leader of the very organization who currently held mine and Johnny's families in the palm of their hand. I didn't bother to respond as I tried to get Johnny off of me again, only to earn a grumble and mumbled Scottish, "Stop ya moving ya eejit.." 

I glanced down, spotting that Johnny was very much awake, but too stubborn to get off of me, even with Simon and Zero chuckling at the situation. I think for a moment, before flopping my head back onto the pillow and muttering, "Can I at least get up?" Johnny only mumbles something, before Zero finally speaks up, saying, "Come on Johnny, let the big guy up. I made food." That seems to get Johnny moving, sitting up and stretching with a grumble. Finally free of him laying on me, I sat up and stretched as well, before reaching over and grabbing my mask, putting it on out of habit. I felt the bed shift as Johnny got up, walking past Zero and Simon and into the kitchen. I had only just stood up when I heard him shout from the kitchen, "You made brownies?!" 

Zero chuckled, turning and saying, "Yeah, but don't eat too much, Johnny boy. Don't need you of all people smelling colors." That earns a chuckle from Simon, before I followed the two of them into the kitchen, only to find Johnny already halfway through eating two brownies, along with a hefty helping of waffles. I couldn't help a chuckle, before heading to the counter, seeing the tray of brownies and glancing over at Zero, asking, "Diese enthalten Gras, don't they Zero?" Simon chuckled in response to my question, saying lowly, "Duh." I rolled my eyes at the sarcasm in his tone, getting myself a plate of three waffles and hesitantly grabbing a brownie too. This was bound to be an interesting day, if Zero was starting off the day with things like this

I got myself some syrup, earning a comment of, "Jeez König, leave some for the rest of us will you?" I couldn't help a chuckle, leaning against the counter and beginning to eat as Simon and Zero got their own plates of food. After a few moments of quiet, peaceful eating, Johnny spoke up and said, "These brownies taste funny." Zero laughed a little, before saying, "Well I should hope so, otherwise I would've wasted my monthly supply." Simon - still lacking his mask - smirked, saying, "Didn't realize what Zero was talking about when he said 'seeing colors', Johnny?" Johnny just looked stunned, looking down at the singular bite of brownie that remains on his plate. 

-roughly half an hour later-

"You know, there's gotta be someone out there who knows the answer to questions like 'which came first: chicken, or egg?'." I muse, now laying against the headboard with Zero having taken up residence with his head in my lap and some sort of fidget toy in his fingers, trying to untangle it. Simon - having long since laid down with his head on Johnny's chest - chuckled and said in a loose tone and heavy Manchester accent, "König you certainly have some weird thoughts." I chuckled a bit as Johnny idly played with Simon's blond hair. My body felt light, like I was existing between a dream and reality, barely registering anything. Johnny seemed to have been hit the hardest, constantly making small random noises as he idly plays with Simon's hair. Meanwhile Zero was just.. quiet. Relaxed and dozing on my lap with a relaxed smile on his face.

Simon had been snacking on anything he could get his hands on. Currently out of the popcorn he had brought into the bed, he was occupying himself with nibbling on Zero's hand. Zero didn't seem to mind either, and none of us had a single clue as to how long we had been here, all stoned off our asses. All we cared about was each other, enjoying the rare peaceful moment. Zero spoke up, teasing in a surprisingly soft tone, "You just gonna keep teething on my hand Simon, or do you want me to go grab you some actual snacks?" Simon chuckled, saying in a lose, flirty tone, "But you three are my snacks." I felt my face warm up under my mask, and it was easy to see my reaction wasn't the only one. Johnny's face had turned a bright pink-red, and a similar dusting of red covered Zero's cheekbones. 

~-1250 Words-~

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