Four Spirits Reunited

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TW: smut. a lot of smut. mentions of death, but other then that its just smut. this is very gay

Author's Note: gay. tis all gay


POV: Poltergeist

I leaned forward to better face everyone. Rage boiled in my chest from the tired and wounded looks of my boys, of my team. "Well, I should start with the rescue operation that brought you all to the Hive." I looked at Soap, Ghost, and König, "After you three were taken into Graves' custody, I managed to salvage a radio from one of the dead Shadows. Archer and me were being helo'd to the Hive less then an hour later. While Goliath tended to Archer's wounds, the Sparrows filled me in on what was happening with our bases. Casualties on both sides, and any base outside of the Hive had been attacked. I - regretfully - reported every casualty to the remaining Sparrows and called for a Code Coven. Every surviving Sparrow, be it in the field or not, was to report to the Hive within 24 hours. Miss that window, and you were assumed MIA." 

I saw Price cringe at that. "Once everyone made their way here and mine and Archer's wounds had been tended to, there was a meeting to formulate a plan to break you lot out. Us Sparrows aren't easy to crack, we're more likely to die before we spill intel, which meant that Graves had gotten into the 141's records and found the bases we reported to Lazwell during the Tolu incident." Ghost, Soap, and König shivered at the memory. "So we knew the 141 channels and servers weren't safe. Once we tracked down Graves' main base of operations, we hit it with everything we could. Four teams were dispatched, roughly 6 in each team. My team, Team Alpha, were to track down the 141 that were captured. The three other teams were sent to clear the building, download the servers' data, and distract Graves' Shadows. We suffered minimal casualties, thankfully." 

I saw everyone relax a bit. For once I was thankful I could hide the truth well. "Once we freed all of you and downloaded the data from the servers, we released the data to the world's leaders. Soon after you were all transferred here, the world as a whole deemed the 141 and Sparrows as non-terrorist organizations, Graves and former general Shepherd as terrorist leaders, and everyone's names were cleared. World leaders are currently aiding us with tracking down Shepherd, and have left his and Graves' fates largely in our hands, only shared with 141." Ghost stepped forward. "Does that mean.. You've captured Graves?" I nodded, knowing the smile I had could only be described as cruel. "He's been our little prisoner for about a month during your recovery. Every Sparrow has taken a few hits at him, seeing as it's only fair for the amount of our people he killed. But Goliath has been ordered to keep him alive for when you all woke up and healed enough to join me in solidifying his punishment." 

That seemed to bring everyone's moods up, and I couldn't help a small smile at that. "However Shepherd's location is currently only speculated on. We have no way of tracking him, but Lazwell and me agree that tracking him down and bringing it in should be a task we all share, having been kidnapped and tortured and damn near killed by him and his lackey. However, for the time being the 141 are considered long-term guests of the Sparrows. You all are welcome to stay here until your wounds fully heal and perhaps even longer until we get a solid lead or two on Shepherd's location. Price, until Goliath clears you you're considered a long-term patient of our medical wing." A knock at the door distracted us all, turning to see Goliath walk in. "Sorry boss, but Price has gotta get back to the med bay." 

I nodded in understanding, waving goodbye to Price as he was helped out of the room. Archer stood up out of my chair, waving goodbye as she left to go check on Roach and Reaper. "See you later Pol." Finally left alone with my boys, it was all I could do not to yank them all to me. Ghost stepped closer, and I reached out to all of them to come closer. Obeying, the three of them came to hug me close, and I tried to hide the relieved trembles that now shook me. "Oh lass.. easy love, yer safe." Soap murmured, gently rubbing my back. My breaths were coming in short huffs, I was clinging to the three of them as if they would disappear. Ghost rested his head on mine, a soft sigh reverberating through his chest. König clung to me, head buried in the crook of my neck. Taking a shaky breath, I locked the door with its passcode: "Lockheart." 

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