Walkin in a Winter Wonderland

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TW: gun/missile/knife mentions, doggy death, cursing, blood


POV: Poltergeist

After I dismissed everyone, I skimmed through my notes of the morning's training session. Roach, Reaper, and Gaz did great in helping organize their teammates and form an effective team with everyone's skills. Not surprising, due to their heightened experiences compared to the others. Reaper hadn't gone through an actual mission, but Roach and Gaz had, and it showed. 

I slowed to a stop as I heard someone walking behind me, too heavy to be anyone but Ghost. "Yes Ghost, what do you need?" Ghost came to a stop beside me, eyeing me. "Price wanted me to tell you that we're all needed in the command tent at 0900. Mission briefing." I let out a soft sigh, before nodding and walking towards the room my stuff was in. "I'll be there." was all I said in response. I didn't hear him, but I could tell he had walked away. Sitting on my cot, I locked the door and windows, covering them with blinds so anyone trying to see me wouldn't get the chance. A mission means Ghost and Soap will be in here, preparing soon. I won't have another chance to change. 

Slipping off my sweater I hadn't bothered to take off since yesterday, I slipped on my harness and on top of my boxers slid my suit. Made of kevlar and fiber mesh, it moved easily while providing hard stopping power to knives and bullets alike. Anything not moving at bullet speed couldn't pierce it, and about 50% of a bullet's kinetic energy was lost to the suit when I was shot. Once that was on and I had redone my black makeup to keep my face as hidden as it could be, and set my various knives into their respective spots. 

Checking the claws, I found they needed sharpening. I sighed, unlocking everything before sitting down to sharpen them against a slate. The jagged edges made for quick work of foes, thankfully. As I was busy sharpening the edges, Soap walked in. I smirked under my mask as I heard his shocked gasp. Not many knew of the claws, most who did died to them. Relaxing my hand and letting go of the trigger, the claws slid back into place just under the first layer of the suit. 

"Bloody fucking hell, you always have those things?" Soap questioned as he sat on his cot, presumably to hide away the candies he had hidden behind his back. Shrugging, I glanced at the clock. 0855. I got up, stretching and body popping like a glowstick, before heading out the door to the command center. 

As I walked in, I wasn't surprised Ghost was already here. Christ, did that man have anything better to do then hide in the darkest corner of the room? Price nodded at me curtly as I approached, pointing to a red pin on the map. "That's our target. A russian base just on the tip of the northernmost peninsula. Our intel suggests this is where they're keeping the records on who's buying what missiles. This'll be an in-and-out mission. No witnesses." I smirked under my mask. Good, a mission I'm free to work with.

"Only issue with that idea is how guarded the base is. Nearly 100 guards, 20 attack dogs, and four turrets on the corners. The place is a damn castle fortress. Intel suggests these aren't dumb guards, either. 15% are heavily armored. The rest are good at what they do, and are well-known for killing whatever comes too close. This will greatly involve stealth, hense why Poltergeist is going with you both, Ghost and Soap." Soap looked miffed at that, but Ghost was more focused on memorizing the map, from the looks of it. 

"So your roles are simple. Ghost, you'll be set up in a cave just to the north, with clear view of the control room side and it's guards. Soap, you'll be the brawn of the mission. You're to cover Poltergeist as he sneaks in and hacks their intel. Gentlemen I understand this isn't what you both are used to. However, missions like this are Poltergeist's specialty. Hense why he'll be leading the mission." I could tell from the way they both tensed that they didn't like the idea. 

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