Bonds Strained and Tempers Tested

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TW: mentions of death, cursing.

Author's Note: enjoy a calm moment before I unleash the storm >:]


POV: Ghost

Shit.. I could feel myself trembling still. It wasn't like me to break on a mission, but seeing those people killed like that.. It just reminded me of Roba. Rage settled deep into my gut as I leaned against a wall in Poltergeist's office in the Hive, listening as Laswell and Poltergeist talked over the intel we'd collected. Rage at Shepherd, for pulling mine and Poltergeist's files and attacking us so personally, for killing innocent civilians like that just to prove a point. "We'll move out as soon as we can." My attention was drawn back to the conversation as Laswell got up to leave. How Poltergeist was handling recent events, I couldn't tell. Once Laswell left, Soap stepped forward, looking concerned as he looked at me and Poltergeist, before he softly asked, "Are.. you two okay?" König nodded in agreement to Soap's question. I felt touched they cared, but nonetheless they'd only worry more if I told them the thoughts running through my head, so I simply said, "I'm fine Soap, no worries." Soap didn't seem to buy it, but he let it go as Poltergeist got up. The three of us were heading back out, to track down Shepherd again. The bastard kept evading us, but the moment we got our hands on him, his death would not be swift.

-about an hour later-

"The fuck is this shit?!" I snapped, looking through the files we'd managed to raid from the most recent outing in the chase to track down Shepherd. All we managed to retrieve was a filing cabinet full of files - personal files - on everyone in the 141. Family records, personal ties, the whole 9 yards. Shepherd - the fucker - had dug up every single bit of dirt he could on the whole team. If he was going to go down, it seemed he was going to go down like a rabid wolverine, and he's planning to aim for the throat. As soon as we realized what was going on, Poltergeist had dispatched 2 teams of Sparrows to go and protect Soap's family, and another 2 to go protect König's, since Soap and König are the only ones of the four of us with current familial ties. Speaking of Poltergeist, the man had yet to sit down since we returned from the mission. Hell, he hadn't stopped moving even in the heli on the way back. 

"Shepherd's going for the throat. He know's we're hot on his tail, and he'll to anything to keep us from stepping on it." Poltergeist explained. Stating the obvious, but answering my hypothetical question in a quiet, rage-cold tone. The tone caused König to step back out of seemingly habit, and even Soap's hand flinched. I sighed, purposely making noise as I look Poltergeist in the eye and say calmly, "Get your temper under control luv, we're not the target." Poltergeist seemed to force himself to take deep breaths, before muttering softly, "Sorry." Soap walked over to Poltergeist, pulling the smaller man into a soft hug. I kept my attention on the files, the last thing I needed right now was touch. I spotted König glancing at me, but I subtly shook my head no to tell him not to ask questions. 

König nods in understanding, before Soap says, "Come on, we've all only got a few hours before the next mission, let's use it to relax." Poltergeist just shook his head, detaching himself from Soap's grip before saying calmly, "I need to keep an ear out to make sure the teams are fine." König huffs, saying, "Du musst dich entspannen, or you'll work yourself to the bone." Poltergeist sighed, before saying, "Until we nail this bastard, I can't calm down König." The sudden sharpness in his tone was enough to even make me take a step back, before I huff out, "Poltergeist, we're not Shepherd. Quit snapping at us, dammit luv." The only response I get from him is a huff and rolled eyes. I'm getting sick and tired of his snappiness, but on the other hand, I know he's only doing it because he's remembering the same things I am. 

"That's it, all of you follow me." Soap snapped, before leading me, König, and Poltergeist into our living quarters, before firmly gesturing for the three of us to sit on the bed. Poltergeist - always the stubborn one - crossed his arms over his chest and glared, saying, "I'm too busy for this Johnny-" He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence when Soap roughly shoved him onto the bed, in between me and König. "No. Now the three of ya are gonna sit there and let me help dammit." Poltergeist huffed, but didn't argue as Johnny's hands found mine and his shoulders. Johnny positioned himself behind us all, before starting to systematically massage our shoulders and backs. Even through the clothing we were wearing, it was helping relax us. A soft groan slipped from me as I felt some of the tension slip away, and despite myself I found my hand reaching over, grasping König's and Poltergeist's. 

The three of us seemed to relax more as Johnny worked whatever kind of magic he has in his hands, and after a while König slipped off his mask, pure bliss on his face. He was the first to shed his shirt as well, letting Johnny touch his bare skin. I slipped off my mask next, finding Arthur's hand gently tracing my facial scars as sort of silent comfort, and although the physical contact made my head spin and my stomach whirl, I let myself relax and enjoy it as much as I could. After a bit, I slipped off my shirt too, letting Johnny massage my still-tense muscles as much as he wanted. Stubbornly, Poltergeist had yet to take off either his mask or his shirt. After a few more moments, he did slip off his shirt, leaving his mask on. I wouldn't push, sometimes it's just more comforting to keep on the mask then to take it off, and I knew that. After a while, Arthur laid down, sighing softly as he started to doze off to Johnny and mine's touches. I found myself laying down not too long after, and before I knew it Poltergeist was curled up against me, cuddling Johnny as he let me coil myself around him. I decided I could show some intimacy for now, gently wrapping my arms around Poltergeist's waist and draping an arm so the three of my loves could lay on it. A silent offer they all accepted.

~-1102 Words-~

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