Unknown Ties

796 29 4

TW: mentions of sex trafficking, blood, knives, fire, rats, needles.


POV Soap

Soon enough everyone was back at the safehouse, Reaper and Poltergeist were cleaned of blood, and Matevy was tied up in the basement awaiting interrogation. Me, Poltergeist, Ghost, and König were selected to interrogate him. I chuckled when poor König shuddered. The big guy didn't like interrogating people, reminded him too much of the bullying he'd been through, from what he'd told me. "Poltergeist  will be the one easing the intel out of him. Soap, Ghost, and König, you'll be asking the questions." We all nodded, but before we could move to leave Price spoke up with, "Go easy on him Poltergeist. Only move when König tells you to, can't have our newest informant dying too quickly. Soap, ask a question 3 times, then Ghost, ask twice. If he still refuses to answer, König ask once, then if he still refuses, Poltergeist moves in to convince him to talk." I saw Poltergeist nod, seemingly a bit disappointed, as we all walked out. 

I followed with Ghost behind König and Poltergeist as we all walked to the room we'd be doing the interrogation in. Poltergeist signaled that he wanted us to wait outside the door while he walks in. We did as he wanted, mainly to see why. Walking in, we heard Matevy speak up with a snide, "Well well, the little shrimp is who they sent to interrogate me? How cute." We walked in afterwards, watching as Poltergeist leaned in close to his face, "No, I'm here to make sure you tell these fine men what they want to know." We all smirked, watching the color drain from his face. König, Ghost and Poltergeist moved to lean against the back wall, where Matevy couldn't see them but they could see him. 

I walked up to Matevy, leaning down to ask, "Where are the missiles being kept?" He sneered at me, saying with his disgustingly heavy and slurred Russian accent, "I don't tell, I don't talk." I leaned back again, repeating the question. He glared at the repetition, but didn't repeat himself or talk. I leaned forward, "I'll ask one more time, where are the missiles being kept?" This time he spat in my face, landing just under my eye. I saw all three of my teammates behind him tense, anger flashing through their eyes for a split second. "Fine, don't tell me. But I have a feeling you'll want to talk before they get their hands on you." 

Smirking and wiping off his disgusting spit, I walked to the back wall and took Ghost's place as he walked to ask the same question. "Where are the missiles being kept?" Matevy seemed to pause, seeing Ghost's mask and no doubt recognizing him from past close calls. "I told your scottish boyfriend, I'm not going to talk." Ghost leaned forward, using his mass to intimidate Matevy. "Tell me where the missiles are being kept Matevy." Matevy had the balls to sneer, even as we all saw his form shaking a small bit. "Fine, have it your way." König walked up, towering over Matevy as he asked with a low rumble under his voice. "Last chance, where are the missiles being kept?" Matevy actually shook, but didn't answer. "Heh, Poltergeist you're up." was König's only response as Poltergeist took his place.

"Awe, what are you gonna do, sweetheart? Give me a lap dance?" All three of us tensed at that, but Poltergeist looked like he couldn't care less. From the look in his eyes, he had something much worse in mind. "No, I'm here to make you talk, remember?" was his only response as he pulled out a jagged and barbed blade the length of a single finger. He positioned himself next to Matevy's left arm, pulling out a syringe and injecting his arm in various spots. Matevy squirmed, but Poltergeist didn't stop until the syringe was empty. "Why can't I feel my arm?!" Poltergeist didn't answer, but his eyes gave away a cruel smirk. "Don't worry, you'll feel it again soon enough." And with that, Poltergeist set to work carving an intricate swirling pattern into Matevy's arm. Matevy squirmed, watching with wide and terrified eyes as his own blood dripped onto the floor and all over Poltergeist's hands. 

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