We bare Dexter's Lab

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The trio of bears – Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear – had been looking for something fun to do. After brainstorming for a bit, they ultimately decided to dress up Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory in cute lingerie.

Grizz opened his closet and pulled out a bundle of lacy white bras and satin panties, each with a cute pink bow in the center. Panda and Ice Bear oohed and ahhed as Grizz held up the lingerie for everyone to see.

"These are perfect for Dee Dee!" Panda said, eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Wait, how are we going to fit this on Dee Dee?" Ice Bear asked, referring to the mischievous Dexter's Laboratory star.

"That's the challenge," Grizz replied, smirking mischievously. "But I'm sure we can think of something!"

Grizz smiled mischievously as he grabbed a bundle of lingerie from his closet and tossed it to Panda and Ice Bear. "We can dress her up in this! It'll just look like we're playing dress up."

Panda eagerly opened the bundle and pulled out a white lacy bra with a pink bow in the center. Ice Bear grabbed a pair of matching white satin panties. He tilted his head, which is his signature move, and smiled in silent appreciation of the cute lingerie.

Meanwhile, Dee Dee had been quietly creeping around the room trying to spy on the bears. But when she saw them holding the lingerie, her eyes widened. "Wait, what are you guys doing with that?!"

Grizz laughed. "We're just having some fun! We thought we would dress you up in these cute panties and bra."

"Oh, no," Dee Dee whined. "There's no way I'm putting this on!"

Panda's eyes lit up. "Come on, Dee Dee, you'll look so cute!"

Ice Bear stepped forward and held out the white satin panties to Dee Dee reassuringly. "Don't worry; we promise we won't laugh at you. Plus, it's just pretend, right? We'll be here to help you get dressed."

Dee Dee slowly stepped forward and grabbed the panties, her cheeks blushing a deep pink. As Ice Bear gently held out the frail white lacy bra, Dee Dee slowly put it on and secured the pink bow in the center.

Once Dee Dee was dressed in the lingerie, the trio of bears all smiled in admiration. Grizz pointed to the full-length mirror in his room and Dee Dee stepped forward to take a look. Her jaw dropped as she realized just how cute she looked.

"Wow," she said in awe. "I look so pretty!"

The bears all cheered in approval as Dee Dee twirled around in her new lingerie, beaming from ear to ear. 

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