We Bare Bears the anime nekomimi taste testers

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As the We Bare Bears stumbled upon the scene, they were immediately intrigued by the sight before them. Grizzly was the first to speak up, "What are you guys up to?"

Rouge turned to them with a smirk, "Oh, just having a bit of fun. Want to join in?"

Curiosity piqued, the bears agreed and stood by as Ochaco bounced cutely on the reader's face, with Rouge egging her on to act even cuter. Grizzly's stomach rumbled as he watched Ochaco's squishy butt, "I wonder what it tastes like?"

Panda and Ice Bear looked at him incredulously, but Rouge caught on to his curiosity, "Well, why don't you find out for yourself?"

Without hesitation, Grizzly leaned in and took a lick, "Mmm, it's sweet and soft, like marshmallows!"

Panda and Ice Bear exchanged a glance before shrugging and following suit. As they tasted the soft flesh, they couldn't help but compare it to various sweet treats. Panda piped up, "It tastes like cotton candy!"

Ice Bear agreed, "Ice cream, too."

Grizzly licked his lips, "No, no, it's more like taffy."

The We Bare Bears took turns tasting Ochaco's soft butt while she and Rouge giggled and teased them, enjoying the playful atmosphere. As they finished, they compared notes, each one agreeing that her butt was surprisingly sweet and soft.

Rouge leaned in, "So, what do you guys think?"

Grizzly grinned, "It's definitely a unique flavor, but I like it!"

Panda blushed, "It's embarrassing to admit, but I kind of enjoyed it."

Ice Bear simply nodded, "Not bad."

As the group continued to play and have fun together, the We Bare Bears couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected, yet tasty experience.

Rouge the Bat noticed the We Bare Bears tasting Ochaco Uraraka's nekomimi tail and started to wonder if it was fair that the bears got to taste it but Ochaco didn't get to taste them back. "Hey, that's not fair!" Rouge said, pouting. "Ochaco-chan, you should taste them too!"

Ochaco Uraraka blushed at the thought, but then decided to go along with it. "Okay, I'll do it!" She said with a giggle, her nekomimi tail twitching playfully. She crawled over to the bears, acting like an adorable nekomimi, and started to taste their fur with her tongue.

The bears were surprised at first, but then started to giggle as they felt Ochaco's tongue licking their fur. They described the sensation to each other curiously, wondering how it felt for her too.

"It's kind of ticklish!" Grizzly said with a laugh.

"Yeah, but it feels kind of nice too," Panda added, blushing.

Ice Bear simply nodded in agreement, a small smile forming on his face.

Rouge the Bat watched with amusement, finding the whole scene very cute and playful.

"Look, I have a new outfit!" Rouge the Bat giggles, showing off her cute bear nekomimi outfit. "What do you guys think?"

The We Bare Bears and Ochaco Uraraka stare at her in surprise. "Rouge, you look... like a bear," Grizzly Bear finally says.

"Exactly! I'm a bear nekomimi now," Rouge replies, wiggling her bear tail and making cute bear noises. "Isn't it cute?"

Panda Bear chuckles. "It is cute, Rouge. But what are you going to do now?"

Rouge looks around at everyone with a mischievous grin. "I want to taste one more! Which bear is going to let me taste their butt?"

Ice Bear raises an eyebrow. "Ice Bear does not think that is necessary."

But Grizzly Bear steps forward, offering to let Rouge taste his butt right under his bear tail. Rouge excitedly accepts, describing the taste as similar to the others but with a hint of honey flavor.

Ochaco Uraraka can't contain her excitement. "Oh my gosh, Rouge, you look so cute! I love your outfit!"

The We Bare Bears join in, teasing Rouge about how she looks like a real bear now. Rouge giggles and blushes, happy to be getting attention. "Thank you, guys! I'm having so much fun!"

As they all continue to hang out, they come up with the idea to taste Rouge's butt too and describe it in detail, just like they did with the other bears. They all laugh and enjoy each other's company, feeling happy and content in their cute and playful antics.

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