We Bare Tails Member

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Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear couldn't help but notice Tails the Fox who recently became a very mature adult over 21 years old nearby. With his adorable demeanor and fluffy tails, he caught their attention immediately.

"Hey, look! It's Tails!" Grizzly exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

Panda nodded eagerly. "He's so cute with those two tails of his!"

Ice Bear's lips curled into a small smile. "Ice Bear agrees. Very cute."

Tails blushed at the attention, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of crimson. "Um, hi guys! What's going on?"

With mischievous grins, Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear approached Tails, their curiosity getting the better of them. "We were just... um... admiring your tails," Panda explained, his voice tinged with innocence.

Tails chuckled nervously, his heart racing with anticipation. "Oh, thanks! I'm glad you like them."

As they continued to chat, Tails couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement building within him. Thoughts of Cream the Rabbit filled his mind, and he couldn't shake the image of her sweet smile and gentle touch.

Sensing his arousal, Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear exchanged a knowing glance. With playful grins, they reached out and gently stroked Tails' member, their touches light and affectionate.

Tails gasped in surprise, his eyes widening with pleasure as the sensation washed over him. "Oh, wow! That feels amazing!"

Grizzly chuckled softly. "Glad you're enjoying it, Tails."

Panda nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you seem to be having a lot of fun!"

Ice Bear's lips curled into a small smirk. "Ice Bear approves."

With each stroke, Tails felt himself growing closer and closer to the edge, his mind filled with thoughts of Cream. And then, with a shuddering cry of pure bliss, he felt it—the rush of release as he ejaculated, his love for Cream the Rabbit fueling the intensity of the moment.

Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear watched with amusement as Tails experienced his moment of pleasure, their hearts filled with joy at seeing their friend so happy.

"Looks like Tails had a good time," Grizzly remarked, his voice filled with amusement.

Panda nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he really did!"

Ice Bear's lips curled into a small smile. "Ice Bear thinks so too."

And as Tails caught his breath, his cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, he couldn't help but feel grateful for his friends and the joy they brought into his life. Together, they shared a moment of laughter and camaraderie, knowing that with friendship and understanding, anything was possible.

As Tails reached the peak of his pleasure, he felt an overwhelming surge of ecstasy wash over him, causing him to release thick, white love cream in abundance. It erupted from his member in a glorious display, coating the floor in a pool of creamy delight.

Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear watched in amazement as the love cream flowed freely, their eyes widening with amusement at the sight. "Whoa, look at that!" Grizzly exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

Panda nodded eagerly, his mouth watering at the sight of the creamy goodness. "That's a lot of love cream, Tails!"

Ice Bear's lips curled into a small smirk. "Ice Bear is impressed."

Tails blushed furiously, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and exhilaration at the spectacle. "Um, sorry about that, guys. I didn't mean to... you know..."

Grizzly waved off Tails' apology with a chuckle. "No need to apologize, Tails! We're just glad you're enjoying yourself."

With a shared giggle, Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear eagerly got on all fours, their tongues lapping up the thick, white love cream with delightful enthusiasm. As they savored the creamy goodness, they couldn't help but moan in pleasure, their taste buds tingling with the rich, indulgent flavor.

"It's so thick and creamy," Grizzly exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with delight.

Panda nodded in agreement. "And it's so delicious! Like a creamy dream come true."

Ice Bear's expression remained stoic, but his eyes betrayed his enjoyment as he savored the intoxicating flavor. "Ice Bear approves."

Together, they continued to lick up every last drop of Tails' love cream, their laughter mingling with the sounds of their indulgent feast. And as they enjoyed the creamy goodness together, they knew that this was just another fun and playful moment in their journey of friendship and camaraderie.

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