We Bare Ejaculation

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As the love cream glistened on the floor, the cast of We Bare Bears entered the room, their eyes wide with curiosity. Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear glanced around, their noses twitching with interest as they took in the scene before them.

"What's going on here?" Grizzly asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Ashley, Rouge, Bonnie, and Mabel turned to face the bears, their expressions filled with warmth and affection. "Oh, hi there, bears! We're just having a little... fun," Rouge replied, her voice laced with playful mischief.

Panda tilted his head in confusion. "Fun? What kind of fun?"

Bonnie stepped forward, a playful twinkle in her eye. "Well, we were just exploring Mabel's clitoris and enjoying some... delicious love cream," she explained, her voice filled with gentle enthusiasm.

Ice Bear raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Clitoris? Love cream?"

Ashley nodded eagerly. "Yes, you see, the clitoris is a very sensitive part of a woman's body that can bring her a lot of pleasure. And love cream is just another way of saying... um... female ejaculate," she explained, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Grizzly's eyes widened in surprise. "Female ejaculate? Really?"

Rouge nodded, her expression earnest. "Yes, it's completely natural and nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it's a sign that someone is experiencing a lot of pleasure and enjoyment."

Panda nodded in understanding. "Oh, I see. So, it's like... a way for the body to express happiness?"

Bonnie smiled warmly. "Exactly! And it can be a lot of fun to explore and enjoy together with someone you care about."

Ice Bear's lips curled into a small smile. "Ice Bear understands. Thank you for teaching us."

With a shared giggle, Ashley, Rouge, Bonnie, and Mabel nodded in agreement. "Anytime, bears. We're always here to help," Rouge replied, her voice filled with affection.

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