Bear chest

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The Bears were out and about, exploring the world around them as they often did. As they walked along, they suddenly noticed something that caught their eye - the upper chests of some human females nearby. The Bears found themselves entranced by the curves of the humans' bodies, and they couldn't help but admire the way the soft fabric of their clothing hugged those curves.

Grizz couldn't take his eyes off of one particular female, and he had to resist the urge to walk up and touch her. Panda was busy dreaming of being with a girl in his own arms, and Ice Bear was simply mesmerized by the sight of the ladies from afar.

Eventually, the Bears had to tear themselves away from gazing, but the image of those beautiful upper chests would stay in their minds for many days to come.

The Bears continued on their journey, looking for more adventures and sights to behold. Every now and then, the memory of those upper chests lingered in their minds, sending shivers down their spines.

Though they never talked about it out loud, the Bears had a newfound appreciation for human females and all the beauty they contained. Each time they saw an attractive female, their hearts fluttered and their minds began to wander.

It seemed that although they were Bears, the sight of human beauty had made them fall in love all over again. 

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