Chloe learns about furries with Buttercup as mature adults for no reason

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Buttercup: (thinking aloud) Alright, so where do we take Chloe from We Bare Bears for an unexpected date that's as odd as it gets?

Rouge the Bat: (grinning) How about a place that's both unexpected and quirky? Something that'll leave us with stories to tell.

Tails: (suggesting) What about a ladies' bathroom? It's not your typical date spot, and I bet Chloe would appreciate the weirdness.

Buttercup: (smirking) That's oddly perfect! Let's go with it. Chloe is all about embracing the unconventional.

The trio, fueled by the excitement of the unexpected, headed to the nearest ladies' bathroom with Chloe in tow. As they entered, the atmosphere was surprisingly charming, with quirky decorations and an unexpectedly cozy ambiance.

Chloe: (raising an eyebrow) Well, this is definitely an unexpected choice for a date. I like it!

Buttercup: (grinning) We thought it'd be fun to break the norm. Plus, odd and weird is our style.

Rouge the Bat: (teasingly) And where else can you find such unique decor?

Chloe, intrigued by the offbeat choice, played along with the unconventional setting. The ladies' bathroom became the backdrop for their quirky date, filled with laughter, playful banter, and the joy of embracing the unexpected.

Tails: (smirking) Who would've thought a ladies' bathroom could be so charming?

Chloe: (laughing) It's all about breaking the mold, right?

Rouge the Bat: (smirking) Chloe, darling, since you're all about exploration, let's kick things off with a kiss that's as cute and unique as you are.

Rouge playfully licked her own face, emulating the endearing manner in which bats might express affection. Chloe, caught off guard, burst into laughter at the unexpected yet cute gesture.

Chloe: (giggling) Well, that's certainly one way to start the exploration. More, please!

Encouraged by Chloe's enthusiasm, Buttercup and Tails joined in, adding their own playful and affectionate touches to the experience.

Buttercup: (grinning) Chloe, get ready for a kiss that's as spicy as it is sweet.

The trio engaged in a light-hearted exchange of kisses, each one reflecting the playful and consensual atmosphere they had cultivated in their previous adventures. Chloe, reveling in the joy of exploration, expressed her delight.

Chloe: (smiling) This is definitely an interesting way to explore my sexuality. Keep those kisses coming!

The kisses then did come. In more ways than one. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The end.

Mature story for old adultsWhere stories live. Discover now