We Bare Tampons

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The bears were walking around in the park when they stumbled upon a strange sight - a woman inserting a tampon! They watched in awe as she carefully and expertly put it in place. The bears were amazed and curious. They had never seen anything like it before!

The bears decided to ask the woman about it and she patiently explained the whole process to them. She told them that tampons were a great way to absorb fluids and keep people comfortable during their cycles. The bears were fascinated by this new knowledge and decided to start teaching people about it.

They went around the park, talking to people about tampons and helping them insert them. Everyone was surprised and thankful for the bears' help. People were amazed at how knowledgeable and helpful the bears were. Soon, the bears were known around the park as the tampon experts!

The bears were so proud of themselves and all the people they had helped. They had learned something new and were able to help others with it. It was a great feeling!

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