To Oma Island We Go!

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Yugo's POV

Our journey was just getting started. After finally figuring out that my family was on Oma Island, we finally made it. We are about halfway there and I'm getting more excited by the minute. It would be about a weeklong from here. I was starting to shake at this point, knowing that I might have siblings - or others like me.

I heard a scream from on deck. What could it be now? It was the middle of the day, and it couldn't be Dally, that scream was way too girly. Amalia and Ava are working on food, and Ruel is counting kammas - or so I thought.

"What was that?!" I yell to the others. They all replied with an 'Your turn - you deal with it' kinda look and I go and check it out. It turns out, a source of the scream was a girl - around my age - with a hat that was a light grey. Her hair was white and short, and she had a patch over her left eye. She appeared to be crying.

"Hey." I said quietly, "What's wrong?" she sniffled and said, "I just appeared here and they -" she said pointing at them, "didn't like me here. They chased me to the corner of the ship, where I was forced to use portals as a shield because they wouldn't leave me alone." I held a face of sympathy.

"Can you lower your portals?" I ask politely, trying not to seem frightening to her. She mumbled and they went down - I walked in slowly. She was curled up in a little ball on the wooden floor of the ship. "Hey, I'm going to yell." I warn, "But not at you, okay?" She nods lightly. I stomp away.

"GUYS!" I yell, "HOW COULD YOU?" They shrugged and Ruel explained, "She just appeared. We thought she was evil or trying to kill us. A test of sorts. We beat the monster to the side of the ship." I yell, "SHE IS THE SAME RACE AS ME!" Then more quietly, "We all know I'm not normal, I have powers. You didn't care to realize that she had a hat like mine on her head?" Their eyes widened. I turned on them, stomping back to the girl.

"Hey, I'm done yelling at them, you can come out now." I say softly to the girl. She stands up, walks to me, and hugs me. "Thanks." those simple words said made me shiver, I had never heard those words come from someone so genuine. I smile and say, "No problem, want to come with us?" She nods, still not letting me go.

The group walked in and saw her giving me a hug. "waz dizal abt?" Dally asked, before throwing up once more on the side of the boat. My face was warm. "Woah!" Ava exclaimed, "You look the shade of beetroot!" The girl, stopped and held her hand to my forehead and said, "You look fine, Yugo." This just shocked me, she doesn't know me, right? We all gave her quizzical looks.

Before we could ask her anything, she passed out in my arms. "Uhh - Let's lie her down." I say, taking action. I set her on a bed under the deck. She seemed peaceful. "What now?" Ava asks. I sigh, "We wait."

??? POV

"Do you KNOW how much you messed up my dear?!" My mother screamed at me, "The KING. THE KING, Stellar! The. KING!" I sigh and mumble, "Yes mom, I know, I forgot he doesn't know anything about his past, I'll make sure to give him info slowly, just like you told me to." And I wake up.

My eyes flutter open then closed again. I was in so much peace at the moment, someone playing with my hair. I knew it was Yugo, and I knew he had wings. I knew I was fine. I stayed there, not wanting to wake up, just in peace.

When he gasped, I knew he noticed I was awake. "Whydu stwop?" I say grumpily, snuggling up against him. I could feel the warmth radiating from his face - but I didn't care. I was happy.


Yugo has gasped because he had taken off her hat; and instead of seeing light blue wings, she saw lime green ones instead. This was a big shocker because usually, Eliatropes have the same color wakfu. Her aura - it felt different than his. His was different than the others. Something was up - but he didn't know what.

"Whydu stwop?" she mumbled, snuggling in closer. Too late now, he was already playing with those bleached white locks. They were soft and had a nice fluff to them. She seemed to like the attention, and her wings flattened, begging to be touched. It seemed as though she trusted Yugo, even though they just met. The feeling of Comfort and care radiated off of them. Yugo started to get tired, and slowly drifted off while the girl's arms gave him a small hug. Then, she was gone.

Yugo was on the end of the bed. Mostly off, just playing with her hair. But by the time he woke up, they had switched spots. She was rambling. "I wish I wasn't different, or weird. We are so alike but different, yet we still meet. I don't understand." She noticed he was awake and said, "Looks like I wasn't rambling to a sleeping person." and smiled kindly down at him.

"W-What?" Yugo mumbled. "We are an hour away from Oma Island." It was more information not shared that she had gathered. "How do you know that?" he mumbled, lightheaded. "Me and scribble are sorta friends now. I said some nice things, he said some back. Now we joke and play like friends." All Yugo could do was smile - she tamed the map!

They went above deck. "OI!" she called to scribble, "OH VALLIANT MAP, HOW MUCH LONGER TILL' HOME DEAREST??" The map yelled across deck: "MY DEAR, WE ARE GOING THE RIGHT WAY! TIS' FEW MINUITES (20 min) MORE TILL' OMA!" and then, "THANKS, DARLING!" from the mystery girl.

Yugo had yet to know her name.

So, how was the first chapter? I tried to make it nice, light fluff, nothing more. Dirty minded - don't you DARE poison Yugo's reputation as the cute innocent, one! This is a Reader x Yugo book if you didn't know. But I absolutely HATE using Y/N and stuff like that, so Ima just use the OC, stellar and her white short hair, eyepatch, and light grey hat. I liked how the grey went with the lime shade of her wings. DEAL W/ IT, LOSER!

Sorry to info dump you now, it's only the start! XD


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