Adamai and his lessons

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Stellar POV

After talking to scribble, I was interrogated. I would get flashes in and out of each question of what mother was telling me to say. Half of the time, I ignored her. The other half - I heed her warnings. I know she will be furious when I see her again.

Amalia: Where do you come from?

Me: I don't really remember; all I know is Yugo and that Oma has something to do with my family.

Yugo: Like me! Well, except the remembering myself part, of course.

Ava: Why where you able to spawn more portals than one to protect yourself?

Me: Not quite sure, maybe it has to do something with my aura, something different from Yugo's

Yugo: Yeah!

Yugo seemed to chime in every once in a while, too, so if you see him just peeping in, it wasn't a question.

Ruel: Do you have any valuables on you?

Me: No, just my hat, that you are NOT having!

Dally: Why?

Yugo: It's a secret only our type would know.

Me: careful, you almost told them.

Yugo: I know, I know, I am a pretty good secret keeper. I have kept this secret from they start they appeared, Dad/Alibert doesn't even know they exist.

Me: Dad?

Yugo: yeah, he was the one who raised me.

Me: Ahh, I see.

Dally: Well, I don't!

The conversation went on from there, they didn't seem to trust me. I trusted them with my LIFE though, because Yugo was there, and he was my king. "DEAREST, MIND SAVING ME FROM AT TERRIBLE MONSTER???" Scribble screeched across the ship. "He wouldn't lie about that." I explain and run off.

"YES, DARLING, YES!" was my only reply as I ripped him off his post and put him in his holder. "Sorry." I whisper as the ship is ripped to shambles. Yugo floated to shore, and I dragged him farther into the sand. "Hullo." Said a voice. "Hey Adamai, long time no see." I giggle, now out of breath from carrying a boy a only slightly older than me.

"Stellar?" The strange figure asked. I nodded. He jumps and latches onto me. "Does he know?" I shake my head no. "Mother's orders. You know how fussy she can get." I state, and he laughs. "It seems as though Yugo is waking up, make sure to seem like you have never seen me before, but I don't care if you go all out." That was the permission I needed to kick Adamai to the moon. He looked at me scared.

Yugo groaned and I rushed to his side. "Where are we..." holding his hand to his hat/head. The he realized, "You never told me you name!" I growl, "Could have asked earlier BEFORE we were attacked by a giant monster!" He laughed uselessly and gave me a look that said, 'well, I'm asking now.' "Stellar, or Stella if you prefer. I go by many names." Adamai gave me a warning look. I ignored it and helped Yugo up.

"What now?" I sigh, and grumble. Boy he was oblivious. How - you know what? Never mind. "Look!" I shout, pointing to Amadai. He gave me an eyeroll before saying some stuff, then asking us to follow him. I teleported to the rock he likes and wait. Eventually, they come up to me and Ad explains everything to Yugo.

"Where were you, Stellar?" he panted, hands on his knees. "Unlike you, I sat back and watched, knowing that the little dragon himself would like this rock better than any tree in the forest. Ad flashed me a warning look once more. "It's perfectly flat, a perfect place to recover after running and portaling for too long." I went on, fixing my mistake.

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