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My goal here today is to see how long you dare to read the A/N. Most people skip it completely, others will skim through it. Some will actually READ the whole thing. If your one of those people, you're in for a treat.


I'm going to be giving you a bonus chapter if you actually read that, most people don't read A/N, so for the ones who do, you get a bonus - skip if you like! 

It doesn't really relate to the story (I mean, it does, it just isn't needed.)

still in dreams, No POV

"Is it me, or did a presence just leave." Fred asked, slightly confused. "Yeah, I think someone was watching us - probably Yugo, we are on the same mattress after all." Fred gave her a look. "What?" she asked. "Sharing a mattress?" Stellar blushed. "Don't think like that, you know he is completely innocent. Nothing could corrupt him, and you know it. His intentions were to not make me sleep on the floor."

Fred laughed, "Well it's not me who has a crush on a king." Stellar's blushed thickened, "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" she screeched at him in the ear. "Hey." he whined, covering his ears with his hands. Stellar sat next to him in the grass. "What now?" she asks, "My dreams have never been this peaceful." The only reply was, "Whatever you do in a normal dream, dumbass."

Fred and Stellar ended up talking more, before the presence reappeared. "Cooldown's up." I told Fred, "Usually, it takes 20 - 30 min to get back into my dreams." "Hullo!" Fred called into the abyss. The spectator was shocked. "I'm guessing it's you, Yugo. But I have to warn, I can't see you." Stellar explained, "I can sense your wakfu, don't be surprised." A laugh could be heard.

"Yep, that's him." She sighs. "Well, this is who you have been crushing on?" Fred asks. Stellar glares and says, "No, silly. Just a good friend. 3/4 immortal dragon/Eliatrope don't have crushes." Then, "Anyway, I can you hold something? If you do, it will make you visible."

The figure did so, and Yugo appeared. "I told you so!" Stellar yelled at Fred. "I knew he was here!" Fred sighed, "Do I really have to give you a prophesy now? In front of a kid?" Stellar giggled, "A bet's a bet!" Fred sighed and his eyes went white.

While he was doing that, Stellar snuck up to Yugo and captured him in a hug. He shrieked, and Stellar couldn't help but to laugh. "Welcome to my dreams." Yugo was speechless. "STELLAR, I GOT IT!" Fred yelled from across the fake field. "Orange zest, lemon grass, and lavender?" he asked, and I laughed. "Yeah, the aroma of my dreams.

"Sit." Fred ordered, and we did so. "I see a dofus, probably Grougalorigran's in your arms, green, blue, and black sights, lots of heat, giant monster, and a bow wow." Stellar shrugs, "Sounds about right." Yugo was plain out confused. "Tomorrow, there will be a message from Grougalorigran saying we need to find his dofus, I know where it is, but in the message, it gives off a location. You, Adamai, and me are going to find it." Yugo nodded with new understanding.

"You need to awake soon, Yugo, the thin air in dreams doesn't do good for those awake." Fred warned, "But if you ever need to talk to me, just wrap this red string around your wrist, it will lead your dreams to me." Yugo nodded as he was handed a ball of red yearn. Then he pulled Yugo to the side.

"My sister seems to have the hots for you, come anytime, not just when you're in trouble - I get bored in her nearly empty headspace." A screech was heard, "HEY!!! I HEARD, YOU -" but unlike what she usually does, she didn't curse - even in her headspace. Fred gave her a quizzical look. "No cursing Infront of kids." She said simply. "I am not a kid." Yugo pouted. "Yes, you are." Fred and Stellar said in sync.

Yugo grumbled, "Well, then how old are you?" 

Fred: 0, I'm dead.

Stellar: 110,113

"Including Fred's age." Yugo gave her a shocked expression. "WHAT?!" Was the only word loudly yelled through the whole dream. "Well, I was stuck in the white dimension for 9/10 of it, so I'm around 12 - 13." Yugo was fading. "Whatz the whi-" But he was gone. The twins couldn't keep a straight face. "WHATZ THE WHI-" They mocked, until they got bored.

Silence drifted through the dimension, it now returning back to its bleached white color. "This place..." Stellar grumbled, "Where I spent half of my life with that crazed 'king'. What a liar." Fred had a prophesy, a vision about Qilby lying, but Stellar could do nothing but drop hints. They hated that part about being 3/4 immortal - their gender - how it would change when their formed changed, along with their looks. Along with the fact that if they don't TRUELY want to die, the won't and they will have to watch their mortal friends do so, not having any choice at all.

"Why the punishment?" she/they asked, (she for now [Eliatrope form]) "Why immortality?"

one thing's for sure, it was prone to drive even the best people insane. Yugo didn't join again. They were just there. Waiting for Stellar to wake up. What felt like hours - was only ten minutes. A dark room of eyes appeared - her biggest fear... It was being watched. She hated being criticized. She was afraid of the eyes on her. Just like Yugo, but she didn't know that, not yet at least.

They were one in the same, two sides of the same kamma, both parts of a whole. They couldn't like without each other, they were fated. Nothing could change that - and Fred knew it. But Stella didn't know this; and went on happily with life. Sometimes not knowing something is better than knowing, for it can damage the soul.

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