The Dofus

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Adamai's POV

Being a bird sucks. Now more than usual, now that I can't shift back. I wave to stay in Yugo's pocket half of the time, kicking Az out. Az started taking a liking so Stellar and is now comfortable enough to actually sleep in her hat, instead of staying there for warmth and safety like he did in Yugo's.

"No fair, Az sleeps with you." Yugo pouted, catching a glimpse of the bulge in her hat, made by the tofu. "You have a brother." She replied swiftly, promptly shutting him up. "OoOoOoOo!" I exaggerated, making it all the more embarrassing for him. Well, until she gave ME a glare, and I was shut up along with him.

We decided to sit down on a rock, and that's when Grougal's dofus's owner/guardian came out, telling us that we were now going to die, because we stood on sacred rock. He recognized Stellar in an instant and welcomed us in. "I told you my portals were noticeable." she mumbled to me, now that I was out of her pocket.

(10:10 pm, something good is gunna happen...)

Poor Az had his fuzzy butt burned. Now, we are both being tofu - sat while we are being treated. Man, this sucks and this rando kid hasn't put me down, nevertheless leave me alone, for an hour and a half. What is taking them so darn long?


Yugo and Stellar had wandered into the dofus room. Immediately, Stella saw the statue's weakness and exploited it before it even had time to put its head on. They grabbed the dofus, and received a bag to carry it in.

"How was your trip to the dofus?" Adamai asked, trying to make their trip worthwhile, besides the fact that they needed the dofus. "Uneventful." Stellar said plainly, not really going into detail that they did in fact, had to fight (even though it was a small one that was over in a matter of seconds.).

Now, the group was just trying to get back. Yugo insisted on Stella riding Adamai, she was the one holding Grougal's dofus, after all. "No, I'm used to it by now, take the dofus." She handed him the bag and portaled. They were able to go much faster now that they had figured out that they could go much faster with their portals.

When they got there, RazorTime was unleashed, killing Dally and more than half of the trees. They fought until it was too late. Tree of life was gone, and so was Amalia (but it wasn't like Stella cared.) Thankfully, the Eliacube failed and taking Nox back 200 years, and only did a measly 20 minutes. Now, they were able to save the kingdom, and defeat Nox, who had said his final goodbye, and possibly died.

That was only the brief of the whole fight, and there are many more to come. The brotherhood knew that, but they were safe for now. The first thing of order - recovering lost/destroyed items, like clothing, food, ect... While the Kingdom was rebuilding.

"Shopping!" Amalia had squealed once the shops were open, pushing, me Ava, and herself through the wooden doors. She picked out outfits for us (although I would never admit I liked most of them!) and made us change. Most of them were too big or too small for me, but the last outfit - was the best.

It was a red dress (even though I don't like dresses) with white spots - like a mushroom. The best part was I could wear it in both forms, because of the stretchy material. The hat that it came with was like a mushroom top and was the dame design as the outfit. It was perfect. (I never really wore it though.)

As time went on, the kingdom and its trees grew. Ava grew desperate and found Dally. Yugo and Adamai opened a portal to hell and let out the satan himself, known as Qilby.

Stellar's POV

As soon as that old hag came through that portal, I knew he was trouble. I couldn't quite remember him right, but I knew he was pure evil because most Eliatrope that wear white were distrustful, or not to be trusted. I tried to keep the two (Yugo and Adamai) away from him, but they only seemed to grow closer together.

It soon snapped one day, and I understood after he had asked us (me, Adamai, and Yugo.) to retrieve his dofus. "YOU!" I had yelled, "YOU KILLED US ALL - THEY WERE ALL YOU!" to Yugo and Adamai, I was just yelling gibberish, but Qilby knew what it meant. "No, I didn't you're throwing accusation at the wrong person, Stellar." But when I said, "I remember EVERYTHING." his face morphed into fright.

"Yugo." I said, deathly serious. "Don't trust him. He killed us all in our past lives. I remember all of it. By the looks on his face, he remembers it too. he wanted us to move planets for his experiments - he was just BORED. Trust me, please trust me. Put him back were you found him." I begged, at my knees, tugging on his shirt. "Please." I cried. "I-" he started but looked at me, "I- i can't just leave him there to rot."

I storm out of the room, "This will be your downfall, my king!" it had come out unintentionally, but from the look on Qilby's face, he knew he was royally screwed.

Yugo's POV

When Stellar stormed out of the room, I was starting to feel as I had made a mistake in not trusting her. "Her dofus was corrupted at a young age, and now, she sees lies instead of truths." Qilby explained, calming my nerves.

I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. Why had she called me king?

Was he lying? She did state in her dreams that white was a bad color...

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