Grougal's message

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When they got out of the haven bag to capture their first meal, a single glimmering feather appeared - coming from Az. When it was plucked, it had the message that Yugo and Stellar both knew of - finding Grougal's dofus. Yugo never said a peep about what he saw in her dreams, suspecting that it wasn't real - a false hope. As he awoke, he was holding red string.

"We'll split up." Adamai said, "Me, Yugo, and Stellar to get the dofus, and you back to the Sadida Kingdom." They all agree, make a pact, and get moving. 

Yugo POV

Now that we're in the air, I realize this is only the second time I have ever really seen Stellar portal. "Why don't you portal more often?" I ask her. Since she was jumping between portals she had to speak one word at a time before another one cut her off. "Bec-ause. I. Don-t. Wan-t. My. Por-ta-ls. To. Be. Rec-on-iz-ed."

I had to repeat it to make sure I understood right. "To make sure your portals don't get recognized?" A she nodded and fell into one of her many lime green portals. "But we are the only Eliatropes existing at the moment." I say. I realized that it came out wrong. "I-I um-" was all I could muster in explaining. She giggled, but it was cut off by the portals.

My face was now red, and it took a long time to calm down. I distracted myself by telling Ad I was hungry (I WAS IN FACT, HUNGRY!) we went down to get a snack. "What do you mean, that your portals will get recognized?" I asked, recalling a chat I had with her on the trip here.

"I mean," she explained, "Lime green Eliatrope portals are rare, and I don't want to be recognized. I hate attention, so I let you have the spotlight." (A/N In this story, Stellar has the eye fear, they both have the contact fear.) Her emerald eye was spooked (I couldn't see her other one because it was covered with the eyepatch.) and I asked a stupid question, "Why do you wear the eyepatch?" she had it on in Eliatrope form, but in the dragon one, they were normal (normal as a half Eliatrope half immortal half dragon can be) and she would usually take off the patch while shifting into the dragon mix. 

"It's like taking off your hat." the simplest answer ever known to Eliatropes - the hat secret. Everyone knew, but when you swore on in like that - you knew that it would be best not to know. "OoOoOkKEeYy..." there was silence, but thankfully it wasn't awkward.

"We need to find Grougal's dofus." Ad rushed. "Don't you think we would do that better with some rest?" Stellar asked, almost as if she was trying to test him or whatever. Adamai gave her a death look, but there was no fear in that visible eye - just tiredness, pain, and an unsuspecting sadness. "Yeah." I sigh, "We should sleep."

Adamai fell asleep first, and Stellar becoming a close second. I watched her for a while. She looked as if she was in infinite bliss - but we all knew that was a lie by now, or at least me. Her dreams where dark and depressing - I never understood why, but I think it has to do with the fact that she can't die unless she truly wants to. No soul ever wants to truly die... just disappear... So how many people has she had to watch die? How many of those people did she date??

Why did I just have that thought?? I thought I liked Amalia - right? I mean; indeed, I DID like her, but she was always snobby and just blushed a little too much for my liking. So why Stellar? Why now, at this very moment? I looked at her once more - there were freckles. Faint, but visible if you looked hard enough. The moonlight shone through the entrance of the cave, making her face visible - she looked like a princess. I-I I mean, I could make her one... She would look beautiful in a crown if I do say so myself... NO! SLEEP! I MUST SLEEP!

I jerked myself out of my thoughts, grabbed the red string, and slept.

But when I awoke the next morning, I hadn't seen Fred. "Dirty cheat." I muttered, "Probably just lying." But something told me I was wrong. "Oh really?" a voice asked in my head. I knew it was Fred. "Ugh, what now?" I whispered. "Now you have to hear me for a whole day." I could nearly hear his smirk.

"We need to train." Adamai was up, and Stellar was in the prosses of getting off the floor. I go and lend her a hand. "Thanks." She sighs, her voice grumbly, but it had a smile to it. "W-w-w-" but I couldn't manage a word. "Man, you fell hard." Fred says, "It might take you years to get outa that hole that you fell into." I chuckle slightly. I wasn't focusing on Fred - but Stellar, messing with her hair.

"I think I need a vacation." She grumbles, and shifts into a more comfortable outfit, and turned dragon. It was a teal thin shirt, that fit her shoulders through the neck hole - her wakfu scales showing, and her horns and hair messy. "How do your - um hat thingyies disappear?" I ask awkwardly. "It's just a trait. When I change, it morphs too, don't worry, I'm just like you!"

 When I change, it morphs too, don't worry, I'm just like you!"

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(A/N This is what she looks like. The outfit that I mentioned, in her dragon form. I did this, sorry if it's a bit blurry - it's hard taking pictures on the computer. Don't blame me. I hope you like it! I had copied it from my sketch book onto this bord, so it would be easier to take a picture - although I didn't really want it there - it works.)

"That rhymed!" I smile, trying to keep up the conversation.

Maybe - just maybe - we could take a small vacation when this is over, I mean, this bliss won't last forever, and when it's gone - nothing will be left for me. Except her, Adamai, Az, and Alibert.

What will even happen once they all die and I'm still living? Will I just NEVER DIE?

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