Taking a sick day

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Stellar and Yugo were fighting in one of the dimensions full of Eliatropes. They had called them king and queen during the fight they had, but Yugo didn't understand. "I'll tell him later." she had whispered to them. She took off her hat, knowing that the fight was going to result like that anyway. Her lime wings showed, and her wakfu weapons appeared. A wakfu bow? That a new one. (A/N: I do archery - don't judge!)

Qilby was visibly shaking at this point, and Yugo didn't know why. "Unless you want to die a slow and painful death, go back where you came from; and never do this again." she had threatened, making him squeak in fear. Yugo put him back in the white dimension with little to no fights. "Now, you know why my dreams are white." Stellar grumbled, as Yugo closed the portal.

Once they got back, Yugo had some thinking to do.

Yugo's POV

'Qilby unleashed demons on us all, no question about that.' I thought, 'Stellar was right, I'm going to have to apologize. She has been avoiding me ever since.' I was starting to get a little more irrational when she wasn't there, and I found myself constantly thinking about her and her beauty.

I knock on her door, no answer. "I- I miss you, Stellar." I say quietly, the door opens and snatches me - slamming it shut behind me. "M-Me too." she mutters, she was in her Eliatrope form, and I was set on her bed whilst she sat in the corner of her room. The bed was stripped, all the blankets were in the corner. She caught me glancing at it. "Nest, it's more comfortable."

I nod. I had never needed to make one before, only dragons do that, but it did look awfully comfortable. I had seen Adamai make them in the past, and they were usually of whatever was around him. Stellar's was only soft things, as if she planned to live there forever.

"s- so-" I stuttered, not really sure how to start the apology. Then, once I have the words I yell, "I'mSorryForNotTrustingYou!I'llMakeSureIDoBetter!PleaseacceptMyApology!" It all came out in a rush. "Slow down, I actually want to HEAR you when you say I'm right." she states calmly.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'll make sure I do better. Please accept my apology." I say slowly. "In other wordsss-" She started - "You were right." I mumble, it had never been this hard to apologize, before. She looks at me. "YOU WERE RIGHT." I say loudly.

Her smile went from ear to ear now. "That's more like it." she stated, "Now, you need to learn to trust your queen." She buried herself in her nest in a mix of embarrassment and shock. "Why do you keep calling me king? Yourself a queen? Why did the other Eliatrope children call us that too?" I ask, and she said a muffled reply through the sheets: "Qilby was a lying liar who lies. Who do you think was really king?"

I don't know. Who else would be king? "Grougal and his brother?" I ask, knowing it was probably wrong. "NO!" she yelled, unburying her face out of the nest, "IT'S YOU, YUGO! Y.O.U!" I didn't know what to say - but she continued softly, "You were king in your past life. I was your queen." but then stuttered, "B- but you don't understand." 

I know from experience that you shouldn't walk over to a dragon's nest with no permission, but I did so anyway, walking slow enough that I wasn't looked like a threat. "I didn't know." I stated calmly, sitting beside her, just outside the nest. She lay her head down. "Why don't you explain it to me?"

We spent hours talking, mostly her while I played with her hair that was outside of the hat to calm her down. I checked her forehead; it was pretty warm, and her face was red too. "You might be sick." I say, kinda worried. Dragons don't get sick often, so if they get sick, it's usually very bad.

"Just a basic cold." She mutters. "Dragons don't get sick." I stated. "Eliatropes do." She explains, "That's why I locked myself in my room." I smiled, "So you were still protecting me, even if you were mad?" she nodded. "I can go get somethi-" I start, but I was cut off by a quiet, "Please don't leave."

"Can I ask Adamai to get medicine or something?" She nods weakly. Her wakfu was very dull, and I knew that she had stayed up all night for the past two weeks. Using up that much wakfu wasn't often for her, so this was probably the result for that.

'Adamai.' I thought softly, 'I'm with Stellar, I think she's sick.'  His response was, 'What do you want me to do?' He had been acting sour ever since she started ignoring me. 'We are on good terms now, but she seems a little sick - I know dragons don't get sick, but she's only half dragon. Can you bring medicine?' 'I don't know, bro. Still kinda mad at her.' 'If it makes, you feel better, she was nicer than you when I got near her nest.' 'Wait. WHAT? You got near her nest? You shouldn't be able to do that.' 'I know, she seems to trust me. When I asked to leave to go get medicine, she begged me to stay.' 'Are you IN her nest?' 'No.' 'Okay, that's good. I'll go and get medicine; you stay with her.'

"He's getting it right now." I reassured, making sure that she was prepared for Adamai to come in. "Mind if I unlock the door?" She shakes her head and holds onto one of my arms. I use a portal to unlock the door. Not that later, Adamai walks in softly, Stellar growls, holding me tighter. "U-um.." I say, trying to relay the message that she needed medicine - fast. I could tell she was on the brink of passing out.

I used a portal to take the tray from Adamai, he left the room. I fed her one of each pill, like he had advised in my head. After she took them all (dry!) I handed her a cup of water, to wich she gulped down.

Man, she really WAS sick.

Me - also sick.


Anyway, just thought that was funny


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