Icy dessert dreams

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Stellar POV

We just learned that Grougaloragran is in trouble. Just knowing that, I'm willing to do anything to protect him.

"No." a whisper said, "You must not engage. It's Yugo's destiny, not yours." I knew the voice - mother. The saying 'Mother knows best' doesn't apply is this situation. Not. At. All. "What now." I whisper to her. "We do nothing." She ordered, "Let them fight, you know he will be reborn. There is no outcome where Grougaloragran will be safe."

"AND YOU THINK WE CAN JUST SIT THERE AND DO NOTHING?!" I yell out loud. Adamai and Yugo give me weird looks. I give them that - 'I'll explain later' look. "No, you will not young lady!" Mother screams loudly. "Fine." I grumble, then gave them a look that said, 'a little too complicated thing to explain - never mind.'

"All I know." I say to them, "Is that I will be unable to do anything to help you guys in anyway - just be there." They had confused faces and I had to fight the urge to laugh. "We need to get going." Adamai explains, "Before Nox kills Grougal." There was a giant clock where we started.

"I can't help." I say, "Code of honor, I would if I could." Only Adamai understood. "Alright brother, let's do this." But Grougal - not wanting us to see the fight [or get involved in it] teleported us (and a piece of land) to some sort of icy dessert.

Adamai was crying, everyone was tired and sad. I was the only one actually thinking rationally. "Ruel, any more room in your haven bag?" at this point, I knew he knew that I was not supposed to know he had a haven bag, but he let it slide. "No way am I going in there!" Amalia cried. I slapped her. "That is not how you treat a princess you -" I growled at her. She screamed and dove into the haven bag. 

"You didn't have to be so mean to her, Stellar." Yugo said, sighing. I knew he secretly liked what I did. Amalia's a snob, anyone who dares to mess with Yugo - or have an unknowing crush on him is to die. I was sparing her for Yugo's sake. I give him an eyeroll, "whatever, she's not whining anymore - be grateful." He laughed. My tail flickered in amusement. "Yeah, yeah, get in the haven bag, stupid." He goes in the bag, and I walk to Adamai.

"How are you holding up?" I ask quietly. Grougalorigran was his father figure - the only one with him on that lonely island he called home. "I - I -" he just broke down, crying. I pulled him into my arms. "He's gone..." He whispered, unable to believe it was true. "Yes." I say, "He's gone..." More tears.

"don't worry, we'll find his dofus, then when he grows up - I can tell him about his past... Maybe he'll remember you." Adamai smiled. "Thanks." he said, "But I don't think that'll work." I laugh, "We can try." "We should go in the haven bag now." Adamai advises, shivering.

"You go in first, gotta shift." He nodds and leaves. I pull out my hat and say, "Shift." I was in my closest Eliatrope form now (wakfu still green and no scales, wings on back, or tail.) and thankfully the shift put on my Eliatrope clothing - hat, ect...

I open the bag, crawl in, and close the top. Everyone has their own part of the bag to sleep. Ruel in a hammoch, Yugo on a GIANT mattress, Dally wrapped in blankets, Ava and Amalia in the corner with a comforter. It seemed like they had to share bedding before - so it didn't really matter. They both had the hots for someone else - and besides - they were straight and very good FRIENDS. 

Me? I was going to sleep on the cloth floor. "Wait." Yugo said, "Sleep on the mattress, it's more comfortable and it's way too big for just one person." a blush was evident on his face, but I didn't care. I curled up on the other side of the mattress. At this moment, I would never admit I had a haven bag the whole time, Lying in my hat. Where else do you think I get all those spare clothes from?

Yugo POV

I woke up to quiet screams. It was Stellar, on the other side of my mattress. I crawl over to her, shake her, anything. She stops screaming - but she seems to be in pain - or scared of something. I try and move the hair out of her face - then I blackout.


Yugo was spectating one of her dreams that he had fallen into. One was of a place with the color white. There were no visible floors or walls, just white. There she was, curled up in a little ball in the abyss. "I don't know why I'm trying anymore." she says, stretching out on her back, looking up.

"Why do I exist? What is my purpose? Immortality is like a punishment for something I didn't do." Pain was evident in her voice. "Why me?" she asked, "What did I do to deserve this, mother?" Then a female figure appeared, dressed in white & gold.

She was wearing an Eliatrope hat, and she looked like the goddess herself. "What do you mean, Stella?" she asked, "This was a gift, not a curse." Stellar looked at her 'mother' with glossy eyes. "Your right, I don't deserve anything. Just internal punishment. Love your thinking. It's a punishment worse than death - to watch your race disappear, knowing who was the one to do it, yet not allowed to tell anyone." She spoke.

"Don't say this, don't mention that. It's their destiny, not yours. Don't interfere. Yes, I know the drill mother, you don't have to tell me more than once." Then, a boy appeared. He was around 18, with red curly hair, green eyes, olive sweater, and some jeans - just like her previous outfit.

"Hey sis." he said. "Hi Fred." was the only response. Fred was her dragon brother, right? Why did he look more human? Yugo did remember that she stated that he looked more human in her dreams now that she took his qualities. He was also wearing a fall hat, with green and brown colors, like leaves. The golden Eliatrope disappeared silently.

She gasped and said, "Fred! You hate hats!" He chuckled and said, "I know, but you made this one, and it's rather comfy." A smile spread across her face. The scene changed. They were now in a grassy field. "Is that orange zest, lemon grass, and lavender?" he asks. "Yep!" she replies.

It was peaceful there. Yugo didn't want to leave; it was too peaceful. He knew time was up as his vision blurred.

1125 words! New highscore!

Would you rather be... Immortal   or   beautiful forever

Honestly, with this chapter, I would rather be beautiful forever... It MAY have it's perks, although I think both options are pretty bad. What do you think?

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