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So, they went outside to practice their powers. Yugo, who claimed he could make it all the way to the stars, failed, and Stellar had to catch him. When he awoke, he was watching her portal, at lightning speed - Adamai not TOO far behind.

"Look!" Stellar gasped, the sight of the stars was beautiful. She coughed and said, "But the air's a little too thin, going down." She shot down like a bullet and was thankfully able to land safely in Yugo's arms. "She passed out." He said, almost lovesick. "You two really are lovebirds, glad she fated you two." Fred sighed in his head, as his favorite ship was sailing.

"What do you mean?" Yugo asked, but the question was left unanswered - as did the rest of the questions he asked. Adamai looked at him weird and Stellar knew what was happening - there was a red string knotted around his wrist. Stellar tried to act as if she didn't know about that one dream meeting, but still warn him of Fred's abilities. thankfully, it worked:

"Yugo!" she called, "If your hearing voices, it's probably fated you to something! Take it off, and you may get rid of whatever is talking to you! I know Fred has that effect and will try to annoy that person for one day, so if you have the VISIBLE RED YARN STRING like the one you are wearing, you might want to take it off when you don't want to be bothered." "You little shi- oh right not Infront of the child." was Fred's reaction. "I didn't even know that until now - he just told me he had the power, so if he gets annoying - just take it off." She added.

"Kay'?" was the only thing Yugo could say before Adamai cut in, saying that they needed to train. At the moment he was supposed to be teaching, he froze up, commitment completely gone, now filled with fear. "What if I mess up?" he trembles. Stellar gives him a smol hug and says, "I'm not a big fan of touch, but you seem worried. Just start with the basics - then get harder. Nothing too difficult - go at your own pace."

Adamai smiled at her, "Thanks." "Now." he started, "Listen to my words. Feel the air on your skin. Feel the wakfu currents. what to do you taste? What odors are you getting?" When Stellar opened her eyes, she saw shades of green surrounding her. "Adamai - Is this normal??" she whisper - yells to Ad, whom had a shocked look. "I knew something was off!" Yugo screeched, startling them both. "GREEEN!" He yelled excitedly. "Yes." Stella mumbled, "Green."

"Aw." Yugo said, "It disappeared." But Stellar was still seeing shades of green, blue, and white? (Stella saw white instead of black, due to the white dimension that she was trapped in for several years.) "It isn't going away..." She said, scared. "Think of something disrupting/disturbing!" Yugo yelled over the pounding in her head. She did so, it went away. "It worked!" she smiled, "Guess what I was thinking?" she asks Yugo. "What?" Adamai can't help but to laugh - he actually fell for it! "You." Yugo pouted for who knows how long.

"Now, do it again." Adamai ordered, making us focus on the wakfu. Adamai's was spiked with worry, and Yugo's was dripping with self-doubt. "Yugo, don't act like I can't see it, stop looking at the past, and look to the future, we have to find his dofus, before Nox does." This stopped the dripping, but it was still dull. She would have to work on that later.

"I'm going to put a spell on you, but it will only last 24 hours." Adamai explained, as we felt our eyes glued shut. "When I ask you to take them off, do as I say." Stellar warned, for reasons unexplained. She was still in her dragon form; Yugo got a better look at her. Her horns, wings, and eye scar were glowing lime. Adamai's wakfu looked questionable - as if it was weighing the options to the request. Stellar's wakfu went haywire - nearly desperate to escape the spell. "Fine." he grumbled, "But no help unless Stella's done. You have to survive on your own. I'll be watching."

When the two (Yugo and Stella.) were out of sight, this happened:

Stellar: what colors do you see?

Yugo: Blue, black, and shades of green, thanks to you.

Stellar: I see green, blue, and white. Why does it have to be white?

Yugo: What's so bad about white?

Stellar: It's the color that brings most people to insanity. Never trust an Eliatrope wearing white. Black/grey is preferable.

Yugo: Okay? Well, I have something to say.

Stellar: What?

Yugo: The scar, is that what you have been hiding? Why do you hide that? Most have already seen it.

Stellar: Because it gives off bad memories, and because it's the only thing other than the necklace that is holding me back from turning full dragon for a week. Plus, the scar - it looks abnormal.

Yugo: I think it's pretty.

Then, Yugo dashed off, his wakfu rising at his cheeks. Stella could see him on the other side of the wall. "You kay'?" she called, "Your wakfu is spiking!" It shot up faster/higher. "Y-yeah." Yugo stuttered. They waited a moment, until Yugo decided that he was calm enough to go back to looking for food.

A plant infested with bugs later, they found Adamai, who was being chased by a bow wow. "Hey buddy!" Stellar called to it, and it seemed feral. The collar was making it uncomfortable; she could tell. She walked toward it, and only used her portals to deflect his attacks. She yanked the collar off; it was free! It was still going after them, but slower, as if it was ordered - but didn't want to anymore.

Thanks to that, Adamai was stuck as a tofu, and they were portaling in the shade, that was now appearing. Night was coming - they had to hurry. Yugo and Stellar speed portaled all the way to the talles cave. "Did I do that?" he asked, looking at his hands. Stellar rolled her eyes, "Of course you did, dumb a- silly." and in the cave they slept.

Around 10:00pm (10 min from now) wattpad will update, I hope it doesn't delete anything. So, only one update. Sorry ;(

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