Growing and evolving

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hey guys so i re read this book and there is a LOT that needs to change. I was about like 14-16 when i made this and i honestly didn't know what the hell i was talking about through most of it. But the book kept me going. It distracted me from irl issues

I'm in college now and i don't have 100% time how i used to. But re reading this book i see the potential and i know it can be even better with the thoughts i have now. I will definitely go through each chapter and fix certain words and certain actions.

I really do love all the fucking support i get from this book. Even tho 89% of you talk shit about but it's cool, i love the ones that come back and re read it, i love the energy most if y'all bring

Moral of the story i want to make this book an actual book. So i feel like my first step is to fix the chapters. I love yall

contact me for anything @abortedangell

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