Dying Sounds Lovely

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Dying sounds lovely

Knowing that I won't breath again

That I won't hear how fucked up again sounds great

Not hearing anything bad about myself is even better

Not looking at myself and hating everything I see is amazing

Death is my only thought now

I've been wanting to die for so long because the pain is unbearable

I can't stand being in a place where I'm so hated and disliked

All I ever ask for is to feel pretty for one day of my life, just to feel beautiful with what I'm wearing or just feeling beautiful because I am

I don't think it will happen because I know I'm not and no matter what people say, that I am, I just can't see it

I feel that I'm gross and disgusting and that's why I can't find someone to love me

Death is something no one wants except the people who have been fighting a battle in their mind for too long, someone that is like me 

Sometimes I wished I was okay without having an urge to die or an urge to hurt myself 


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