Masks and mean comments

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Little: Dream
Caregiver: George

⚠️CW: hate comments

Synopsis: Dream regresses after receiving harsh comments on his appearance, luckily George is there to help

Seriously, put the mask back on

Dream stares at the screen before letting out his usually wheezing laugh a second too late. This was hour three of his stream and he was getting tired and a little overwhelmed. The comments however were relentless, and while the majority were supportive, there was a large group that seemed to hit him over and over again.

"Someone's jealous of my good looks" he says, grinning in a charming manner. Chat goes wild at that and he chuckles to himself, a little ashamed that he would let another mindless comment get to him. But it had, and Dream was honestly not feeling it anymore.

"Ok guys I'm going to wrap up, see you soon and keep smiling chat!" He says cheerfully, waving then killing the stream. He takes careful attention to switch off all his monitors and boards one by one until the only glow in his dark room comes from a small nightlight by his bed.

For a moment Dream simply sits there, the mask comments swirling in his slightly fuzzy mind. Dream blinks and sighs internally, feeling his eyes widen. He knew this feeling- the feeling of warmth and fuzziness that clouded a stressed mind and enveloped it in security when he needed it most- "most" certainly not being when his two roommates were on the same floor, mere doors away.

Dream bites his lip, shaking his head and curling tense fingers in his copper hair. He allows himself to sit on the floor cross legged, rubbing his face to maintain his age, for it was obvious by now he was slipping. Only a few years mind, he was about fifteen by now. He hadn't regressed in the whole month George had arrived, and even before then made sure it was not a regular occurrence. He allowed himself this peace only when Sapnap was out or asleep, completely unwilling to have the regression conversation with his best friend and potentially be disowned.

As though disaster were written on the cards, Dream hears a knock at his bedroom door. By now he was ten and very afraid, scurrying from his chair to the floor.

"Don't come in!" He says, cursing his higher pitched voice. The knocking pauses, accompanied by a hushed voice outside.

"Dream can I come in? I was watching the stream" comes the soft British voice of George.

Dream shakes his head, forgetting George can't see him. He is breaching 7 years old and getting smaller by the second.

"Dream don't let them get to you" George says softly. His friend George. Gorge. Gogy.

Dream begins to cry weakly, his age pausing at 4 as he leans against his bed frame and hunches over, clutching a pillow and messily wiping his face. The door clicks and he shields away, blinking in the unexpected light, suddenly very frightened.

"Dream are you alright?" Says George, kneeling down and looking at the boy curiously.

He had seen Dream cry before, unlike the Brit he wasn't afraid to show his emotions, but this was different. Dream looked like he truly had no control over his expressions.

"Dream can you talk to me?" Says George quietly and Dream shakes his head. "It's ok, I'm just going to sit here and keep you company" he says softly.

Feeling a little less intimidated, Dream looks up shyly, eyes bright with tears and face blotchy and red.

George smiles comfortingly, cocking his head slightly. Dream seems to take confidence from this and shuffles closer then pauses. Then shuffles again, and once more until he is sat right in front of the Brit. George smiles encouragingly and Dream suddenly grins, leaning into the boy and making small noises of contentment as arms wrap automatically around his body.

"Shhh" says George under his breath, careful not to startle Dream, for he was somewhat sure he by now knew what was happening. Or had a vague idea at least.

Testing his theory, he strokes Dream's face and pulls him away slightly.

"Dream... how old are you?" He asks patiently.

Dream frowns cutely and wrinkles his nose, thinking hard. Words were difficult when he was this small, so actions would have to do. He pauses then shyly holds up three fingers before burying himself back in George.

"You're three..." wonders George aloud, stroking the head of hair residing on his chest.

So he had never met an age regressor, but given the amount of time he spent online he was bound to come across coping mechanisms at some point. And to be honest, there was some surprising stuff out there. For one thing, Dream was positively adorable like this, all wide eyed and emotional. George hugs him close and tries to find out more.

"Ok baby you're very small aren't you?" He tries. Dream leans back and nods, biting his lip sadly. "Is this because of the stream?" Another nod. "That's ok darling it's all over now" Dream blinks and sticks his fingers in his mouth.

"No no that's dirty, I'll find you something else..." George looks around for inspiration, eyes landing on a box poking out from under Dream's bed. He gives it a slight tug and bright objects fill his vision, including a blue paci that he wipes on his sleeve before popping it lightly into the little's mouth. Dream claps and grins, suckling happily as George raises an eyebrow fondly.

"You're quite cute little one" he says and Dream giggles, one of the most adorable sounds George has ever heard. Tears still stain his cheeks and George wipes them away before standing and offering a hand to the boy, but Dream barely moves, only shuffling awkwardly then holding up two fingers a little hesitantly.

"Only two now? Well then little baby boy I think you're going to need some help" he says with positivity, still a little unsure inside. He decidedly had no problem with the regression, but didn't really know what was expected on his behalf. He plays it by ear, using his knee as leverage to lift the boy into his arms and hold him tightly, placing him gently on the bed. Dream fusses when George pulls away so the Brit leans back in and gets into bed too. Dream whines and fusses some more, gently hitting his arm until the brunette sits up.

"What is it little one?" He asks worriedly, his expression melting when Dream makes grabby hands.

"Ahh cuddles?" He suggests and Dream giggles. George smiles, pulling the boy in and cuddling him close. He can't deny how cute the little snuffly noises are, listening to them fade as the little succumbs to his exhaustion and drops off into sleep, paci hanging from his pink lips.

Whatever George was expecting the night to be, this wasn't it. He makes a mental note to do some research, but for now he was quite happy just cuddling the little and giving him some much needed comfort and security.

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