Stupid girl body

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Adults: Karl, Quackity and Sapnap (all dating)

⚠️CW: pain and discomfort, small blood mentions

Synopsis: Quackity is FTM, suffering from brutal periods that his boyfriends help him through

Quackity awakes, made suddenly aware of the pain in his stomach as he curls up and groans. It wasn't an entirely unexpected pain, but that fact didn't offer much comfort at a time like this. Karl, already awake, strokes his pale face and frowns sympathetically.

"Ow, ow owww" moans Quackity through deep breaths as Karl pulls back the boys hair and feels his clammy forehead

"I know my love, I know" he hushes as Quackity breathes through his mouth, eyes screwed up against the waves of pain. Karl sighs and helps the boy gently sit up, collecting some soft joggers and one of Sapnap's hoodies before leading him carefully to the bathroom and letting him go about his business with the modified sanitary products they had created.

You see, as a female to male transgender person Quackity was as much a male as any cisgender man- but that fact didn't stop his periods. And as though some cruel god were laughing at the irony, Quackity happened to have endometriosis, resulting in some of the most painful periods a person could face. His boyfriends knew this, and were also very aware of the dysphoria menstruation caused their boyfriend, so made an effort to ensure the ordeal was as simple as possible. For a start, Sapnap had spent hours removing the outer packaging of a packet of pads and replacing them with blue cellophane, and Karl had countless blue and grey hot water bottles on hand for warmth and comfort in effort to ease the mental and physical pain.

Quackity emerges, face white as Karl hugs him gently. The dark haired boy tries to smile but fails, a fresh surge of pain sending him to his knees as he doubles over, face pressed against the carpet as he groans, a few stray tears escaping his eyes.

"It's ok my love- hey Sapnap!" Karl calls, rubbing just above the boys waistband as the third boyfriend walks in and takes in the scene in front of him.

"Ah, is it time?" He says, and Karl nods, subtly shooting a look at the bed and the small circle of blood on the sheet. Sapnap nods and strokes the boy's head. They were usually more prepared than this, yet it seemed the boy's cycle had started a couple of days early throwing them all off.

"Sweetheart can I take you downstairs?" He asks gently and Quackity nods vaguely, knowing he couldn't possibly walk at a time like this. Sapnap looks at the boy sadly before pulling him gently into his arms and standing slowly to collect his balance. He looks at Karl who smiles gently.

"I'll be down in a second, I'll just make the bed" he says as Sapnap heads off with his smaller and suffering boyfriend in his arms.

The last thing Karl wanted to do was make his already self conscious boyfriend embarrassed, so he chose to deal with the blood stained bedding without his knowledge, adding fluffy blankets and extra pillows to their shared bed when he was done. He follows downstairs fifteen minutes later to find Quackity almost doubled over at the table being supported by Sapnap who was coaxing eggs, an iron rich food that should hopefully help with the pale skin and exhaustion.

Quackity doesn't eat much then slumps uncomfortably, the boy's cue to offer him some water and pain relief. It broke their hearts to see their usually charismatic and loving boyfriend so dejected and subdued, and if they could trade places they definitely would have. Karl hands over a full hot water bottle and Quackity groans with the small relief before gagging and breathing deeply, breakfast threatening to make a reappearance. He composes himself and leans tiredly against Sapnap who strokes his head and kisses him gently, whispering sweet words in his ear, telling him how brave they both thought he was.

"Ducky what would you like to do? Do you want to go back to bed?" Offers Karl sympathetically but the boy shakes his head slowly, apparently in need of support right now

"Okay my love, shall we snuggle up and watch a movie?"

Quackity pauses then nods, allowing Sapnap to once again lift him carefully and carry him into the living room, Karl hastily sitting and helping position the boy so his head was in his lap, Sapnap sitting and bringing his legs onto his own lap.

Quackity lets out a weary laugh at this and the boys smile until the dark haired boy winces and groans, curling up a little tighter, only relaxing when one pair of hands massages his abdomen and the other gently plays with his hair.

"Stupid... girl... body" sighs Quackity and Karl's heart breaks

"Perhaps... but a girl body with a boy heart" he says quietly and Quackity sniffles

"Dude... I couldn't do it" admits Sapnap as Quackity smiles fondly

"Wouldn't... recommend" he says to the small chuckles of the other pair, glad to see his spirits lifting slightly.

Naturally the suffering boy gets to pick the movie and he chooses a comfort favourite of his own (Tangled), partly just to hear Sapnap's dramatic groans at another Disney film that the other two knew he secretly loved. And by the time the movie has finished the boy has fallen asleep despite the pain and discomfort he was facing.

Karl and Sapnap exchange fond glances then settle on their phones, unwilling to move and disturb him from a clearly much needed sleep.

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