Did you take your meds?

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Little: George
Caregivers/ adults: Dream and Sapnap

⚠️CW: Epileptic seizure, medication, age regression

Synopsis: George has been living with medically managed epilepsy for a while now, but the little George being stubborn with regular medication ends in disaster for the group.

George wakes to the steady breathing of his boyfriend on the back of his neck. He smiles and rolls over, kissing the blonde on the nose to lightly wake him, giggling lowly as Dream groans and pulls him closer.

"Wake up idiot" he demands, squirming as Dream holds him like a comforter. The blonde snuffles and blinks, grinning as he realises what he has been doing.

"Nooo" he whines and George sighs, finally rolling away to Dream's protests. He stands and blinks, trying to get the world to stop spinning.

"George?" Dream says, sitting up slightly. The brunette shakes his head, trying to clear the dizziness then stands, blushing a little. "George are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine... stood up too fast" he says quickly, crossing to the bathroom and shutting the door sharply. That was a close one. George looks at himself in the mirror, biting his lip.

You see, George was epileptic, and on some serious medication for it. That helped, but was undermined by the fact that he was also an age regressor.

Unfortunately for him, little George hated taking the medication and apparently lied to Dream constantly about whether he had taken it or not. In fact, George had been regressing a lot lately and honestly couldn't remember the last time he had taken his medication. He swallows nervously, going about his business while mentally cursing himself and promising to get back on track with it. Which would be easy. Surely little George didn't have that much of a hold on him?


"Oi!" Shouts Sapnap from the other room, "hurry upppp" his tone takes on a soft whine and George and Dream exchange eye rolls. Then the blonde smiles and hands his boyfriend some toast and a glass of water as well as his pink medication. George stares at it for a second, head feeling fuzzy. He slowly chews the toast until Dream turns around, confused as to why the boy hadn't taken the pill yet.

"George come on this is important" he says and George nods. Of course it was.

The blonde smiles lovingly and kisses him lightly on the cheek before leaving to answer the calls of his other friend in the living room. George rubs his eye and snuffles, mental age slipping. He scowls and turns, dropping the pill in the drawer closest and following his boyfriend out, sitting on the sofa between them. His regression has ceased by now, along with the memory of his medication, so when Dream checks one last time that he took the pill it is with full confidence that George nods, agreeing to start up the movie, comfy between two of his favourite people in the world.


The lights on the screen were bright in the dark room, character voices from the horror movie too high and squeaky. George scrunches his face and relaxes back into the sofa, feeling odd. He quickly sits up again, earning concerned side looks from his friends as he feels his stomach drop. He breathes deeply and rubs between his eyes, distantly feeling Dream rub circles on his back, assuming the scary movie was getting to him.

But George didn't care about that, he cared only about the floating behind his eyes and tingling in his extremities. It was imminent, he was going to have a seizure and he needed to tell someone, but he couldn't speak. He could barely think. He groans softly, leaning against Dream before collapsing softly onto his lap.

"George? Love are you alright?" He asks, voice laced with worry. George only hums lightly in response, trying to get his attention. "Sap pause it a second"

"Ah but this part is so-"


Sapnap pauses the tv, interpreting the severity of his friend's tone, surprise creasing his expression as he takes in George laid across Dream's lap, breathing heavily with his hands twitching.

"Shit did he take his meds?"

"Yeah he assured me- George baby how do you feel?"

George whimpers and the boys get serious, switching into action, Sapnap sliding off the sofa and helping Dream half carry George to the floor where he continues to twitch, fear in his eyes as Dream's heart breaks.

"It's ok baby you're just going to have a little nap, any second now my love but we'll be right here when you wake up" Dream assures, sitting by his head and stroking his hair as Sapnap slides a pillow under the boy's head. George whimpers again then seems to hold his breath, body stiffening seconds later before he starts to convulse, head turned at a strange angle and eyes rolled backwards.

"Oh shit" panics Sapnap but Dream barely hears him, continuing to talk assurances to his seizing boyfriend while stroking his hair, trying his best to remain calm.

"It's going to be ok, we'll be here when you wake up... it's ok Georgie just relax... that's it let it happen" he mutters softly, checking that Sapnap was still timing. The sixty seconds seem to last a lifetime until George finally settles, shaking slightly but blinking and trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"Wh- hap'n.." he slurs and Dream strokes his face.

"You had a seizure my love" he explains carefully and George's eyes full with tears. He usually got upset after seizing, it was a big ordeal after all. Dream pulls him up slightly, resting the brunette's head against his knee as he rocks him, sensing the boy get smaller and smaller until...


Dream smiles, nodding as George fidgets.

"Slowly, slowly baby" he says, helping George sit up. Sapnap, used to the regression and taking it any day over the seizures, reaches under the shelving unit and plucks a few items, handing Dream a pacifier and stuffie and smiling as the little embraces both with enthusiasm. Dream makes a shaking motion with his hands and Sapnap nods, retreating to the kitchen.

"Baby... can you answer a big question for dada?"

"Hmm" George hums, squeezing the stuffed rabbit in his arms.

"Baby did you eat the pink pill this morning?"

Little George wrinkles his nose "s'gusting" he says and Dream sighs.

Sapnap returns, holding the small blue plastic box marked with the weekdays.

"Dream he hasn't taken them for at least a week, I found a pile of them in the drawer" he mutters unhappily, counting back. George looks guilty and his little eyes fill with tears. Dream coos and pulls him in for a hug, rocking him on his lap and kissing his cheek.

"Sweetheart you need to take the pills! They make you better, otherwise you have shaky moments like you did just then" he explains carefully.

Little George shakes his head and Dream raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not cross sweetheart, I'm just going to have to keep a better eye on you!" He says softly and George snuffles.

Sap hands the blonde one of the pills and some water he had the good sense to gather.

"Open wide baby we need to eat the pretty pink pill, make you all better" he says and George looks unsure. "Pretty pill and then how about... yummy biscuits?" He suggests and George's face lights up, clapping and letting the mentally older place the pill on his tongue and offer him water which he takes.

"Clever boy! I think we need to find some biscuits now Hmm?"

George squeals and pushes himself from Dream's lap, obviously recovering from the seizures much better than big George and running into the kitchen, both of his caregivers following and shaking their heads fondly.

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