Big man Tommy

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Teen Tommy (they know he has low blood sugar, just not the extent of things)
Adults: Wilbur and Philza

⚠️TW: low blood sugar induced fainting (nothing graphic)

Synopsis: Wilbur and Phil come to stay, presumably because Tommy is too young to be alone- except he may have neglected to tell them the one other reason he really can't be alone...

"So we'll be there just after lunch tomorrow, yeah? Tommy?"

The teen nods and smiles a second too late, catching Wilbur's slightly suspicious look in the corner of his eye.

Phil pauses then claps his hands together, telling them all to log off for the night amongst much childish whining that Tommy has to force himself to join in with.

They end the call and the blonde runs a stressed hand through his hair.

His parents were heading out of town and weren't allowing him to stay unsupervised- hence the arrival of his 'babysitters', Phil and Wilbur, for the week.

Naturally he was excited to see them again, but he wished the circumstances were a little different.

As a 17 year old he should be trusted- but with the 'new development', it wasn't a risk his parents were willing to take. Except... Tommy hadn't told his online friends.

Instead he simply played into the frustration of being too young to be left alone, lying to his parents that he had filled both Phil and Wilbur in on his recently deteriorating condition. They knew about his low blood sugar, but he played it down constantly, too afraid to be seen as... well. Anything less than big man Tommy.

He just hoped he could last a week of normality with them.

After all, his medical issues weren't going anywhere.


"Gremlin child!"

Tommy throws himself at his practical brother who totters under his weight, passing him off to Phil before entering the house with the bags

"How you doing mate!" Exclaims Phil, the simple sentence unsettling Tommy far more than it should.

But he doesn't let it show, simply shrugging and leading them in, oblivious to Phil's swift concerned look. They settle on the sofa after dumping their bags and Tommy leans back a little, closing his eyes for a second. Wilbur pokes him and he winces, sitting up and smiling determinedly. In truth he hadn't slept very well last night, what with the anxiety of some of his favourite people in the world arriving so soon.

Still, he was big man Tommy, he was fine.

"So what shall we do? Shall we stream now or-"

"Sounds good! Tom?"

Tommy blinks and widens his eyes. To be perfectly honest, he had blanked a little there.

"Um- what sorry?" He says and Wilbur mocks offence

"You're not bored of us already are you?" He teases and Tom smiles weakly.

"Oh you bet" he says, lacking a little charisma. "Yeah let's stream, can either of you cook?" He yawns.

"I mean I make a decent cake- Tommy you wanna lie down first?" Phil says and Tommy jumps.

"What? No let's just do it" he says, standing quickly.

Too quickly.

He feels the blood rush from his head and fights off a groan as he trips before steadying. He catches some worried glances and tries to smile

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