The blue brick

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Littles: George and Karl
Caregivers: Dream and Sapnap

⚠️CW: Colourblind confusion

Synopsis: The colourblind George is unable to understand the rainbow tower, leading to some very disgruntled littles

Dream sits up, having heard the distinct sound of little steps at the end of his bed. His surprised face eases into a smile as a soft weight lands on his feet.


The little giggles and babbles, excited his dada has noticed him. Dream laughs and reaches over, pulling the little boy onto his lap and nuzzling into his hair.

"Good morning buba! How old are we feeling this morning hmmm?" He asks and George fidgets, thinking hard before tapping Dream twice on the arm.

"Two!" He exclaims in faux shock eliciting another giggle "just an itty bitty baby today!" He says, kissing the little on the head and relishing in the peals of laughter. The little turns around then, facing his dada, face lit up with excitement.

"Dada Karl and Nap nap t'day!" He chirps and Dream nods, understanding. "Ah so that's why you're up so bright and early! Come on then, let's get dressed before Karl and Uncle Nap nap come over" he encourages and George rolls over in happiness, absolutely melting his caregiver's heart.


It was past noon and the littles were sat on the floor stacking coloured blocks. Karl, a little older than George at age four, was placing them in rainbow order, tongue stuck out in concentration. George watches, impressed, picking up a blue brick to add on,

"No no 'ellow n'xt!" Insists Karl, snatching up a banana coloured brick and adding it instead. George frowns in confusion before offering his blue brick again, only to be rejected for a second time.

"No no Gogy gween now" says Karl impatiently, adding a lime brick. Little George looks down at the bright brick in his hand then at the tower, seeing only shades of muddy brown.

"N'sty n'sty br'wn" he mumbles, adding the blue brick and smiling in satisfaction. Karl however, was not ready for the blue brick and besides, he wanted to place them himself! In frustration he lashes out at the tower, causing an avalanche that topples the unstable structure. George watches before beginning to sob, searching for his blue brick while Karl wails too, furious that George has ruined his game.

Parent mode activated, Sapnap and Dream come running into the living room to find the littles crying, bright blocks scattered across the floor. They seize their littles and attempt to calm them, piecing together two very heart wrenching stories.

"N'sty br'wn tow'r" sobs George and Dream nods sympathetically, well aware of the issue. George had been colour blind all his life of course, but little George apparently didn't understand this- how could he? He was just a little boy!

Karl equally complained that George had insulted his beautiful tower and added blocks in the wrong order until Sapnap was able to get him to take some deep breaths, sitting him on the floor next to George before attempting to explain.

"Karl... George can't see colours very well, except blue. He loves the blue bricks Karl, why don't we stack some of those into a pretty tower Hmm?"

But Karl wasn't having a bar of it.

"Ra'nbow t'wer!" He insists, fresh sobs appearing as Sapnap rocked him gently.

Meanwhile Dream was patiently trying to explain to little George the concept of colour and why Karl was upset.

"Georgie you're a little different, which isn't a bad thing! Blue looks lovely to you and other colours look yucky- but to Karl all colours look lovely!" He tries to say but Geogre is lost, unable to comprehend anyone loving yucky brown bricks.

"Blue" he insists, pushing the brick in Dream's face who smiles a little sadly.

"Yes blue" he confirms, watching as the little smiles and strokes the brick with one finger, babbling about how pretty it was. Then he gets an idea. Big George had naturally told him what colours he could see, and although the list wasn't long, it would do.

Taking inspiration, Dream leaves Sapnap with the littles and collects all the blocks, carefully separating the cyans, blues, purples and blacks into a pile. Once this is done he retrieves the littles, showing them how to make a tower from the darkest (black) to the lightest (cyan). The boys evidently find it easier to compromise on this task, George able to see the differences in shade and hue while Karl took careful charge of stacking in the correct order. Once done they squeal and clap, rainbow tower all but forgotten.

The caregivers watched as the boys played, making sure to create a huge fuss of the teamwork and offering cuddles and kisses when they were done.

The tower remained as they all cuddled up under a blanket, the littles squashed together in the middle and fast falling asleep to the animated cartoons on tv, a single blue brick loosening from George's clasp as he finally dropped off to sleep.

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