Face cam

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ND: George
Others: Dream and Sapnap

⚠️CW: Seizures

Synopsis: The boys rush to help George after he suffers from a seizure on stream


"Dream stop killing me- George help!" Shrieks Sapnap, bouncing across the desert while Dream repeatedly assaults his avatar. George is a little behind, giggling but keeping his distance as Dream's next hit kills Sapnap who throws down his mouse and sulks, rolling his eyes as chat spams 'L'

From the room over Sapnap can hear Dream laughing manically and although he can't hear that far down the hall, he knows George is probably sniggering too which doesn't help his mood. Dream recovers as Sapnap respawns, starting over and collecting materials.

"Oh Georgggge you're next!" Calls Dream, spinning on the spot and locking onto George stood barely ten blocks away. Dream bounds over in two jumps and crits him, surprised when George doesn't fight back. He hits again and George's avatar takes damage, still not fighting back.

"George I know you're low you can't ignore me" says Dream to no answer. A little confused, he checks George's facecam to see the boy still sat there but completely stationary, eyes unblinking, just staring. Dream's expression softens and he goes to stand but then George moves, blinking and looking down at his keyboard then up at the screen, beginning to make his avatar move. He laughs weakly and glances at chat, dismissing their concerns.

"Sorry, I guess I zoned out" he chuckles, turning his avatar to hit Dream then run again, the green boy taking a second to respond before chasing after him. But Dream was no longer focused on the fight, coming to a stand still and texting Sapnap under the pretence of reading donos.

Dream 16:37
Did you see it?

The absence seizure? Yeah, as did all three of our chats

I've checked on him but he's being stubborn

We're ending soon anyway, keep an eye out

Always do

They resume, crafting weapons as night descends. Ten minutes pass and the boys grow hopeful that the small absence really was nothing to worry about, that is until Dream distinctly hears George's avatar taking repeated damage from a skeleton. He doesn't say anything, just bounces over and kills the mob, standing protectively but inconspicuously in front of George who was once again silent and, confirmed by his face cam, staring into space.

Dream looks up on his own camera and raises his eyebrows at Sapnap who claps his hands together and begins to wrap up stream, but in that temporary lapse of attention Dream's heart nearly stops as George slumps sideways in his chair, eyes rolling back as he slips dangerously.

Dream curses under his breath, throwing his headset aside and taking off out his room and down the corridor, pushing open George's door and running to catch the boy before he hits the floor.

"I've got him" he says breathlessly, one hand holding George's unconscious form as it still remains partially in the chair, his other hand blindly searching the desk and pressing buttons to kill the stream which he finally does successfully, hearing Sapnap reassuring chat that everything was fine despite the catch in his voice.

"George? George love come on wake up" Dream says quietly, pulling the boy off the chair and into his arms on the floor, carefully peeling off his head set and lowering the brunette onto the carpet, stroking his face.

George's eyes are rolled to the side showing only the whites and his eyebrows and fingers twitch periodically as he seizes. This was one of his calmer episodes and Dream is relieved chat didn't have to see him full tonic-clonic seizing which would probably scar them. It was distressing to watch and must be infinitely worse to experience.

Sapnap appears in the doorway not two minutes later, nodding that he had ended both his and Dream's stream promising an explanation at a later date. He gently takes a fluffy blue blanket from George's bed and places it over the boy, head now in Dream's lap who rakes concerned fingers through his brown curls.

Sapnap opens his mouth but at that moment Geogre gasps quietly and begins to shake a little, turning onto his side and muscles stiffening. Dream is calm, placing the boy's head back on a pillow on the ground and talking to him throughout as Sapnap sits back in defeat, one hand on George's leg as he bites his nails.

"Sap stop that" Dream says, eyes still locked on his boyfriend, and Sapnap removes his hand from his mouth, still rubbing soothing circles on the boy's leg until he stops shaking, seizure subsiding as he sighs and twitches a little more before going completely still.


"He's fine Sap" says Dream sharply. He had learnt not to even entertain the idea that anything further was wrong, apart from the seizures of course. His concentrated expression melts slowly into one of relief as George scrunches his face and groans, slowly opening his eyes and blinking cluelessly.

"Hmm?" he mumbles and Dream chuckles lightly

"Morning love, how do you feel?" He says and George's eyes fly open as he pushes himself up on his elbows.

"Dream I'm- stream, live! Help- turn off-" he scrambles, eyes twitching again as Sapnap and Dream push him back down, quickly reassuring him that chat hadn't seen, that it was over and he was safe. George grumbles and leans into Dream who pulls him gently into his lap, kissing his forehead lightly.

"It's ok George, no one saw. No one knows" he says evenly and George nods, exhausted. His friends wouldn't lie to him.

"What happened?" He asks next and Sap laughs, still sat on the floor

"You went all spacey then Dream ran to your rescue" he says slyly as George looks up at the blonde who shrugs

"Simp" mutters George and Dream nods

"Any day... I'll tell you what though Sapnap was very concerned"

George grins, some colour returning to his face

"Aww how sweet"

Sapnap scoffs and stands, shaking his head

"Yeah well whatever... what shall I say happened?"

They both look at George who relaxes into Dream, a small blush appearing across his face. Dream smiles at Sapnap sweetly

"Tell them that George was overcome with how hot I looked on face cam"

"Ok do not do that-" starts George as Sapnap exits with a thumbs up

"You're such an idiot" he says as Dream pulls him into his strong arms and lifts him onto his bed, curling up behind him for a nap. Dream nods a confirmation, kissing George's neck gently as the brunette giggles and yawns, definitely ready to sleep off the events of today.

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