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Adult: George (POTS),
Others: Dream, Sapnap, Awesamdude, Badboyhalo, Antfrost

⚠️CW: POTS induced fainting

Synopsis: It didn't matter how bad he felt, George was not about to cancel the irl manhunt- but maybe he should have listened to his friends...

George glances down at his watch, seeing his heart rate already a little raised. Well, it was bound to be, he was getting ready to film what everyone had been waiting for.

The irl man hunt.

Squashed into the back with him are Sapnap and Dream, horsing around while George sits quietly, breathing evenly.

Dream shoots him a look from the corner of his eye, glancing at the brunette's watch who subtly angles it away.

Fifteen minutes later they step out onto a grassy hill and meet up with the others, Sam, Ant and Bad emerging from another vehicle. They are clearly excited and George tries to join in while keeping his heart rate low, smiling when Dream catches his eye again.

"Alright" says Bad, clapping his hands together. "Dream, you get ten minutes to gain some ground, the portal-"

"You mean the tent?" Snickers Sapnap and Bad glares at him

"The portal" he repeats exasperatedly "is three miles away in any given direction. Dream, you'll have the means to work it out while we track you down. You'll need to collect three items on your way..."

George zones out, standing a little closer to Dream who was listening intently.

They strap body cams onto their chests and George watches as Sapnap looks at George's chest then at the screen in Sam's hand, waving goofily at himself.

George punches him lightly and ties his shoelaces to cover his persistent dizziness, looking up as Dream adjusts his mask over his face.

It was stupid, but George didn't like when he wore it.

After so long of not seeing Dream's face, he didn't like to waste any more time.


Dream tears off in a random direction, Sapnap ready and bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Anxiety ate away at George, his heart rate remaining stubbornly high. He is so focused on evening his breathing out that he nearly misses the whistle from Bad.

George starts jogging, quietening his communicator as Sapnap whoops in his ear. When he's out of sight he slows to a walk, bending over and fighting the vertigo. Normally he would sit down and stay there until this passed, but it had taken enough planning to get everyone together for the manhunt that rescheduling wasn't an option.

"-George, Sam I think you're closest, head west, downhill a bit" Ant demands and George straightens up, starting up his gentle jog and stubbornly ignoring his incessant wrist watch.

"H-heading that way now" he says, wincing as his watch alarms loud and clear in the quiet woods

"George, do you need to take a break?"

That was Bad, but George just shakes his head, forgetting no one can see him.

"Are you su-"

"George! He's right by you! " Sapnap suddenly yells and George winces at the screech in his ear. "Run!" George obeys, vertigo sending him slightly off balance as he indeed spots the figure up ahead.

"I'm- n- nearly t-there" he pants, stumbling suddenly as the world tilts alarmingly. But Dream hasn't seen him, and George was small and fast, and so long as he didn't pass out before he tagged Dream-

"George, hurry!" Screams Sapnap and George blinks as he runs

The taller blonde suddenly turns and smiles, darting behind a tree with inhuman speed as George draws to a halt in the clearing, gasping and feeling his heart pound in his throat. He needed a minute, why wasn't he recovering-

"Nice try, Georgie" comes a voice from his left and George turns to see Dream leaning boredly against a tree.

George just mumbles and shakes his head, putting his arms out to steady himself. His watch blares again and he slaps it vaguely, jumping as a figure appears suddenly in front of him.

"George? George sit down" the voice is concerned but George brushes it off

"'m fine" he mutters, blinking harshly and trying to get the world to stop spinning.

Dream raises one hand to his earpiece and the other to George who grips it gratefully

"Bad I'm calling time, sending you my location"

"No..." protests George, standing up straight

"George, sit down or you're gonna pass out, why didn't you tell me things were this bad?" His eyes are kind but George is too dizzy to see that

"I'm fine, idiot" he mutters instead, turning to walk away.

He doesn't make it very far before the ground swoops around his feet, strong arms guiding him as he falls.


"I should have made him stop, I heard his watch at least twice"

"It's alright Bad you know how stubborn the British can be- besides it was me who told him to chase Dream" mutters another voice- Sapnap maybe?

"How long has he been out?"

Was that Sam? How did everyone get here so fast...

"Less than five minutes, lucky you were all in the area. I was going to trap him but he didn't look too good when he found me..." that's definitely Dream, George would recognise that voice anywhere.

But had he really been out for five minutes...?

"Dream chill, he's fine. You know he does this"

"I just wish he would take better care of himself..."

"That's what you're there for, simp" replies Sapnap slyly

George spares Dream's comeback with a small face scrunch, opening his eyes as he adjusts to the afternoon light. He is laid on the forest floor, pressed against something warm and safe. Looking up, he can see a white smiley mask gazing down at him.

George's face crumples and he looks away.

"Georgie? What is it?" Says Dream worriedly as the boy struggles

"Mask..." he whispers and Dream turns his head to glance at Bad who chuckles

"He wants to see your face, muffin head"

"No idea why-" starts Sapnap before Bad scolds him.

Dream looks down and doesn't hesitate to remove the mask, watching in fascination as the smaller boy's expression clears, humming contentedly.

"Better, Georgie?"

George nods tiredly, bringing his watch to his face and checking his heart rate that had thankfully slowed down almost to a normal level. He snuggles a little closer into Dream's chest who smiles and strokes his hair

"Georgie, darling, you can't sleep here"

The pet name slips out automatically but neither react. It was normal for them. Sapnap pulls a face but the others just smile.

"Fine..." mumbles George as Dream helps him to his feet slowly, keeping a supportive arm around his waist at all times as they begin their slow walk back. George turns to face Dream, still feeling a little delirious from passing out when he taps Dream's shoulder lightly.

"Tag... we win"

Dream just rolls his eyes.

So long as George was happy, he could swallow his pride for one day.

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