Chapter 3

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I love coming on here and seeing the reads,votes and comments on this story! I'm so happy you guys actually like it! I loved the reaction to the last chapter! It was exactly what I wanted so I'm glad I have at least some talent in writing. But I'm not really proud of this chapter. It took a while , thinking over what you all thought should happen but I decided.. Well I guess you'll have to read to find out.

SO, after this chapter uploads are going to be a bit more spaced out.. I'm writing on Tumblr now too and I have so many different stories everywhere that I need to write on.. But Wattpad comes first of course by lovelies. So don't worry but juggling this and school has gotten a bit hard. But you don't care... Here it is..

(This will be a little short!)


Nick let himself into his his younger friends place and looked around. It was too quiet. Even for Harry. He could hear music faintly from upstairs and sighed thankful he was here. He had been fighting with his boyfriend Matt and needed some advice from his best friend.

"Hazz?" He shouted up the stairs, hoping he wouldn't have to go up all of them. He frowned when he didn't get an answer and quickly jogged up the stairs. He frowned at the closed door but twisted it, glad it wasn't locked.

"You know it's not polite to ignore you're best frie..." Nick trailed off as he walked into the room and stopped short seeing the curly haired boy laying on the bed, bottles around him, chest not moving. A sob tore through him before he was lifting the boy into his arms and dragging him into the bathroom, calling for an ambulance at the same time.

He stuck his fingers down his throat desperately but got no response. He rocked the younger boy in his arms for minutes, sobbing before the door was kicked down and two paramedics rushed in, pushing Nick out.

Nick sobbed as he desperately begged to ride with him. Taking pity on the man they hurried him onto the ambulance before taking off. 

Nick watched as they worked on Harry, closing his eyes so he didn't have to watch. Tears streamed down his cheek as he heard the paramedic stop trying and sit back. His eyes flickered to the sobbing man and he moved over.

"I'm so sorry for you're loss." He whispered and Nick sobbed loudly. 

"No, no, no, no! No!" Nick tried to move towards the teenager but the paramedic held him back, holding him tightly to him. Nick sobbed brokenly, gripping Harry's hand tightly. He ran his hand down Harry's cheek softly.

"Harry.Please?" He whispered desperately, bringing the boys hand up to his lips, pressing a kss to his fingers.



Louis ran with the boys not even waiting for the car to come to a stop. His heart beat quickly in his chest and it seemed like the walk into the waiting room would last forever. Before he could say anything he was slammed against the wall, a hand around his neck.

"This because of you! You stupid little shit!" Nick Grimshaw sobbed brokenly, tightening his grip around his neck. It took both Liam and Zayn to pull the man off their friend.

"Is.. Is he alright?" Louis choked out, coughing harshly. Nick almost screamed, trying to rip himself out of the boys arms to get back to Louis.

"He's dead!" Nick screamed and eyes turned to him. Louis felt his body freeze and he stopped breathing for just a moment. Tears were falling from his eyes within seconds of this new information. 

Liam and Zayn both stopped as well, in shock.

Harry was dead.. And it was because of them. There was no one else to blame but themselves. It was all their fault.

But Louis knew it was really. is fault.

He broke the Harry's heart and because of that he was never going to see him again. Never going to make him smile or laugh. Never going to kiss him again or talk to him again. Never going to see that cute smile on his lips. He was never going to get to tell him that he loved him.

And it was all his fault.

And that Friday, the fifth of December, 2013. Nineteen year old Harry Edward Styles took his own life. 

December Twenty-Fifth 2013, Friday at noon -

Louis stared at the tombstone with a blank expression before he ran a finger down the side. Tears slipped down his face at a fast pace. Liam wrapped his arms around his best friend sadly and pulled him to his chest as he began to sob.

Louis had been a mess since the death. He had literally been crying every moment he was awake. He barely ate or slept and he was always going through the Larry Stylinson tag on Twitter or Wattpad or Tumblr. 

He broke up with Eleanor. He told the world of what management made him do. He told the world of his love for his band mate, best friend and ex boyfriend. But he was too late. 

Harry was gone and he would never see him again. Harry would never hear how much he loved him and he would never hear it back. 

He took out the engagment ring from his pocket, looking down at it with tears falling onto it. He sobbed as he stepped forward, placing the ring on the tombstone. He felt the other boys walk away and sat down on the wet grass, feeling the rain run down his now soaking body. 

"I love you Hazza. I've always loved you." He took out the note he was left by his old lover and folded it up, placing it under the ring before standing and running a hand over the top. A small sob and laugh slipped out.

"I was an idiot to listen to them. I'd rather not be in One Direction then to say goodbye to you. But I lost you forever because I.. And I can't. Please Hazza! Just stop this! It's not funny. You stop this right now and come home tonight. Lay in bed with me. Hold my hand and whisper how much you love me. I'll say it back and we'll smile at each other. You'll fall asleep first and I'll watch you're beautiful face before falling asleep too." Louis sobbed.

"Then in the morning I would wake up to the smell of pancakes and we'd have breakfast together. It'd be Saturday so we'd stay in and watch movies, cuddling in bed all day. . . We'd be in love like we used to be." His voice cracked as he stood up.

"But that's not going to happen is it?" He smiled sadly, kissing the top of the tombstone.

"I love you Hazza." He whimpered before standing and walking away.

Harry stepped out from behind the tree, tears in his eyes as he watched his lover walk away from him.

"I love you too boo." He whispered too quiet for anyone but him to hear. He then turned around, pulling his hood up and walked the other way.

- - - 

DUN DUN DUN! Is Harry alive or not? *smirk* I know, I know!!;) This was sad though.. I almost started crying D: I got the idea for this from Sherlock, season 2, episode three. When he dies and John goes to his tombstone.. If you haven't seen it, GO WATCH IT NOW! I cried! Anyway.. 

Hope you liked it! Comment,vote,fan whatever!:)

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