Chapter 12

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People stared as I walked by and I bit my lip nervously. Louis must have seen me or felt the way I tensed up because he took my hand and squeezed it lightly. I looked away from the many people staring and looked at Louis who gave me an encouraging smile. I gripped it tight and followed him toward the woman. 

"Hello boys. My name is Alice." She smiled and nodded, shaking each boys hand until she reached Harry. She looked over him as if making sure that this was really happening before shaking his hand timidly.

"It's good to have you back Harry. I just wanted to say, this is very brave of you." She whispered and pulled him in for a hug. It lasted a few seconds before she pulled away and smiled again. He smiled weakly and followed the rest of the boys over to the couch, sitting down. 

He stuck to Louis' side, still holding his hand tightly as Alice sat down. 

Harry watched as fans walked in, all eyes landing on Harry and some froze. Some tripped over their own feet in shock and some teared up. All eyes were on him.

Either in dissapointment, anger, betrayal, happiness, and relief. I looked away as Alice said her greeting to the camera and it pointed at us. 

"Harry, is there anything you'd like to say to your fans?" I tightened my grip on Louis' hand and looked directly at it before looking at Louis who nodded silently. I cleared my throat and sucked in a deep breath.

"I.. I'm sorry. I'm so freaking sorry. I.." I shook my head, trailing off. She smiled sympathetically and took the attention back to her, to give me a moment.

"Now, Harry. What exactly was this? Why do this? Was any of it real? Or was it all just for publicity?" I knew she wasn't trying to be rude. It was her job and she had to ask what she was told to ask. With a shake of my head I began explaining.

"I.. I was very unhappy. I couldn't live anymore, everything.. Hurt too much. It was all too much to deal with anymore. And so as you all know, I tried to kill myself. I died twice. But I woke up agian both times and I was so.. Upset that I was alive.. I ddi something I regret everyday now. " My voice cracked and I cleared my throat again.

"But I never want any one of you, to ever do this to yourself. Ever." I said directly at the camera then to the teenagers watching. I sighed and ran a hand through my messy hair. I knew what I was supposed to say but I ignored the look I got from the member of management that was there.

"I made a deal with my management. I woke up and called them. I was so tired of everything. That I begged them to do something. And they did. They did what I asked. But I was so tired and hurt and dead inside, I wasn't thinking straight. I.. Just wanted everything to go away. And if I couldn't die, I wanted out. So they did everything they could to make it look like I was dead. And they did. I was dead to the world, living with a hole in my heart. A piece of me died that day. When I gave up all this." 

"The boys, the fans, the dream. And I only started getting it back when I broke down and came back to the boys. And now, I knew that I needed to tell everyone. I couldn't keep living knowing that I had hurt so many people." I fought back tears.

"And I know. So many of you are going to be so mad. Are going to hate me for lying and hurting you and I don't blame you. But just.. Remember I love, each and every one of my fans. You all meant and mean a lot to me. And I'm just.. So sorry for everything." I sighed shakily and forced a tiny smile toward the teary eyed Alice.

"But I can't explain the pain I was in, being alive. Getting hate daily. Getting told to kill myself. And the boys.. I felt like no one was there. That no one cared if I was to die. So I did as I was told. But I regret it. So much. I regret hurting everyone and making everything change. I shouldn't have. And to everyone out there, having a hard time.." I shook my head.

"Suicide is not the answer. It won't stop the pain. It'll stop your chances of being happy. And it'll hurt everyone around you. Don't do it. Ever." I wiped a tear that fell, deciding to get back to explaining everything.

"So I came back and told the boys. Then made the decision to come on here and tell everyone. And here I am." Alice took a moment to wipe her eyes and nodded as the camera turned back to her.

"Thank you, Harry. For coming out here and saying all that. I know it must have been hard. And it was very brave of you. You made a mistake. Sure it was a large one, but everyone does. And all you can do now is try and make up for it. And you will. I believe you will. And I'm sure everyone out there, is hoping so too." She smiled and I nodded.

"And that's all the time we have. Again, thank you boys. So much. For coming out here. And talking to us today. A special thank you to Harry Styles. And in case anyone couldn't catch on.. Harry Styles is alive and well. And we hope he'll be returning back to singing soon." 


"What the hell was that Styles?!" Jared slammed me against the wall and I yelped in pain and shock.

"W-What?" I stuttered but the man was pulled off. He pushed Niall and Liam off him and continued to glare at me. I flinched away from his icy gaze.

"Fuck off. He told the truth. And that's all he could do. They deserved to know it. And if you ever touch my boyfriend like that, I'll fucking kill you." Louis spat and everyone around us was shocked at the word. I  blushed and Jared's eyes held anger.

"Boyfriend?!" He just about screamed and Louis smirked and nodded, walking to me and pressing his lips to mine. I gasped and kissed back insantly. I heard a frustrated growl and the sound of retreating footsteps and a door slamming.

Louis pulled back and smiled, brushing a curl out of my face and kissing the top of my head.

"I love you Haz. And I'm so proud of you. And any person that hates you, isn't a real fan of ours. A real fan would just be happy you're okay. And anyone who isn't, can just gladly fuck off." He pecked my lips and took my hand.

"We're proud of you too Harry." Liam smiled and ruffled my hair before walking out of the building with Zayn following. Niall stood still though and looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I frowned.

"Nialler?" He sniffled and looked away.

"I'm sorry we made you so unhappy Harry. I'm sorry we weren't there to save you." Harry kissed Niall's cheek and smiled.

"It doesn't matter. Everything's going to be okay now."

He pulled them out of the building and into the car, having no idea how wrong he was.


DUN DUN DUN! Another cliff hanger!!! I'm freaking evil, aren't I? *smirks* You know you love me guys. And I'll try and update again soon for you!! Thanks a bunch for reading my little cupcakes!!

Lemme know what you thought! Comment, vote, fan! Whatever you wanna do gorgeous!!

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