Chapter 11

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Yes another update this quick. You guys love me right now don't you..... Don't worry, you'll go back to hating me soon. *smirks* I know something you don't! But seriously... I really hope you guys don't hate me and don't mean it when you say you do! Because I love all my followers and readers and I hope you love me too! D: Or at least like me...

Anyway, here ya go, gorgeous!!


There was a constant beeping coming from next to me and I almost threw the device acorss the room where it would hit the wall and hopefully shut the hell up.

Waking up to Louis' annoying alarm wasn't exactly how I pictured the next morning to go. I groaned and turned into the chest next to me, covering my ears. I flicked Louis' ear as it continued and felt Louis shift, waking up.

"Make it stop." I felt and heard him chuckle and smiled sligthly as he slammed his hand on the clock, shutting it up. I relaxed into him and he tightened his arms.

"I'd love to just lay with you for the rest of the day. . . But I have to shower and get ready. I'm supposed to meet the boys at the studio today." I whined and cuddled more into him, shaking my head.

"No. Stay?" I looked up and he sighed, pushing the messy curls out of my face. He smiled softly and pressed his lips to my forehead.

"I wish. But I have to go. You should talk to management. Tell them we know. Everyone deserves to know that you're alive." I winced and sighed, pushing my face into his neck and hiding for a moment before sitting up and running my hand through my mess of hair.

"I know. But I don't know how it's going to go. And what if everyone hates me for it?" I ended up whispering the last part and Louis sat up next to me. I couldn't help but smile at his bed head. He yawned before looking at the time again and standing.

"No one could hate you. They might hate what you did, and they will be angry but they won't hate you Hazza. And fuck management. The fans deserve to know and you deserve to be able to go out in public without having to pretend to be someone else." Louis kissed my head.

"It'll all work out Harry. You'll see. Now come shower with me. Then we'll get dressed. You can go talk to those dicks and I'll go meet the boys. Maybe you should call Nick. He could go with you. Just in case something goes wrong." Louis said hopefully and I shrugged, standing and walking into the bathroom.

"Let's shower." I murmured as he passed Louis, kissing him softly. Louis caught my hand and pulled me back, biting his lip softly.


"Yeah boo?" 

"What.. What are we? I mean.. Are we back together or are we-" I cut him off, kissing him lovingly and he started to kiss back only for me to pull away. He whined and I giggled, pulling him into the bathroom for the shower.


I pulled the coat tighter around me, pushing my sunglasses up and walked into the building. I lowered them slightly so the woman could see and she nodded, motioning for me to go into the office. 

I sighed and turned to Nick who was behind me, shifting from foot to foot. I looked at my old best friend for a moment, missing when we were that close. Missing when I could tell anything to him and he would be there. But I don't think we'll ever be like that again. He sucked in a breath as if to say something but I cut him off.

"Wait out here. I'll go in and talk to them. If you hear me screaming, come make sure I'm not being murdered." I joked and he laughed slightly. I smiled weakly and turned, walking through the doors and closing them behind me.

Jake, our main manager cleared his throat and looked up, frowning when he saw me. Jake was the one who was the most against me faking my death. He didn't think it was a good idea and had tried to talk me out of it when he came to the hospital. But I was in such a bad place then, I had ignored his warnings and continued with it.

If only I had listened to him.

He set the papers he was reading down and motioned for me to come sit in front of him. I did as I was told and we stayed silent for a moment before he spoke. 

"What are you doing here Harry?" He raised an eyebrow and I sighed deeply, considering calling Nick in here just so I wouldn't have to do this alone. I really wished Louis could be here but I knew he couldn't. And I knew I should do this myself.

"The boys know. I told them everything. I couldn't do it anymore." I whispered and I heard him choke slightly on the coffee he was sipping.

"You did what?!" He gasped and I chewed on my lip as he took his glasses off for a moment and dropped his head into his hands for a few minutes before looking up.

"I want to tell everyone. This isn't right. The fans, I've hurt so many people. I need to make it right even if everyone hates me." I added before he could say anything anything and he sighed heavily, shaking his head.

"You need to think about telling the world. This wouldn't just affect you, it would affect the boys, your family, us. You should think this through. There are going to be a lot of upset fans, and just people in general. Are you sure you want to do this? If you are.. I'll set up an interview right now for Friday and you can do it then." Friday was two days away.  

That was so soon. I felt like it was too soon. He was right. This could do bad things for us. But Louis was right. I couldn't keep living like I am. Someone would figure it out eventually and I'd rather the fans hear it from myself. I'd rather tell everyone myself, then be a coward and wait for someone else to find out and tel everyone.

I couldn't do that. I needed to do this.

I was slightly confused at why he was so eager for me to tell everyone. But I couldn't quite figure it out. But I knew what I needed to do.

"I'm sure."


Did you guys miss my cliff hangers? *evil grin* I know you didn't. But I did. So, I am adding yet, another twist to the story. How do you like it? Everything just seems to be getting better right, just wait...

Lemme know what you thought of the chapter!! Thanks for reading! Love you guys!!:*

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