Chapter 8

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The car ride back was filled with an uncomfortable silence. I almosted wanted to say something to break it but I didn't. I didn't even know what to say. I wasn't sure about Nick and Louis but it sure as hell made sense. But at the same time it didn't.

Liam had tried talking to me a few times but I just looked out the window, not trusting my voice. We just had our phone call where Louis said he'd never stop loving me. And now he was having sex with my best friend? It didn't make sense. There had to be something more to it.

I closed my eyes tightly and kept them closed until I felt the car stopped and Liam placed a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go in Harry?" He asked softly and I nodded, looking at him for a moment and I could see the sympathy in his eyes.

He knew.

I looked away and opened the door, slowly getting out. I felt an arm go around my shoulders and I looked to the right. Nick smiled weakly at me. I could see it in his eyes. The guilt. He tried to hide it but I always knew how to read him.

"It's good to have you back Hazz." I nodded stiffly and ducked out of his arm, walking up to the door. But before I could walk in the door swung open and a small blonde threw himself at me. I caught him and barely managed to stay standing.

"Harry." Niall cried, gripping onto me like his life depended on it. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. 

I had to admit. I had missed Horan hugs.

"Nialler." I whispered and Niall clung to me. I kissed the top of his head and pulled him closer. He pulled back, tears in his eyes threatening to fall and slapped me much like Nathan had. I winced as his finger hit my nose slightly and pain shot through my face.

"Oh god! I'm sorry! It just.. Happened?" He tried and I shook my head, sucking in a deep breath and giving him a slight smile.

"It's fine. You're allowed to be angry." I said quietly and he nodded, looking away. He stepped to the side and I was immeditely pulled into a tight hug. I smelt the familar smell of smoke and soap. I smiled against his shoulder and pressed my face into Zayn's neck.

"Zaynie." He pulled away, his hands on each side of my face. He let out a breath of relief and smiled as he looked over at me, as if making sure I was really there.

"I'm so sorry Harry." His voice cracked and I frowned at him.

"Why are you apologizing? I should be the one saying I'm sorry. Because I am. I really am, so, so sorry for what I put you all through. I thought you'd be better off." I sniffled and Liam growled, tilting my head up and looking at me sternly. 

"Never would we be better without you Harry. You make us complete. We weren't One Direction without you." He said softly and I pulled him in for a hug. I'd hugged Niall and Zayn but what i really wanted was a Liam Payne hug. 

Though Niall was famous for his Horan hugs, and they were the best in the world what I really loved was when Liam hugged me.

His strong, warm arms around you, sheilding you, protecting you from the world and it's judgmental eyes that were filled with hatred for anyone who was different. He was someone that you just knew would always be there to protect you and stand up for you.

"No. We should be sorry. It's our faults you even wanted to.." Zayn trailed off, wincing at the words that Niall said since he couldn't.

"Kill yourself." Niall bit his lip and i avoided eye contact, looking back at Zayn as he started to talk again.

"it was our fault. We shouldn't have acted like we did. And when we thought we lost you because of our ignorance, it killed us. You can't ever do that again harry. You don't understand how much you mean to us. You're the baby of the band. We're supposed to protect you. Not make you.. Not make you want to hurt yourself. And I, no, we, regret what we did every single day." He trailed off, tears in his eyes which he blinked to get rid of.

"And I'm sorry it took you almost taking your life for us to see that. But we can't change it, we can only try and make up for it. Which we will do everything to try and make you forgive us." He took in a deep breath and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. 

"I forgave you the moment I came back. I love you guys. And I shouldn't have even done it in the first place. I should have tried to kill myself. I should have listened to management. I shouldn't have done any of it. I should have just.. I don't know. But I.. this was a mistake. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just so fucking sorry." I teared up a bit and Liam pulled me back in for a hug. 

I had noticed Louis and Nick had yet to say something, and I didn't miss the looks they shared. Nervous, guilty expressions.

I cleared my throat.

"I can't stay long." At this Liam pulled away quickly and all their eyes were on me.

"What?! You can't leave again!" Nick stuttered and I didn't even look at him. I shook my head and looked away.

"You aren't supposed to know. And I can't risk anyone else finding out." I said quietly but I knew they still heard it.

"Please! You can't leave again! I can't keep living without you!" Louis cried, speaking to me for the first time since we got back. I sighed and turned to him, taking in a breath to say something until warm lips crashed onto mine. 

I stumbled back sligthly but I hit the wall. This didn't make him pull away though. And soon enough I couldn't help but kiss back. Our lips moved in sync until he pulled away slightly, panting and I opened my eyes.

I looked into his eyes in shock.

"I love you Harry." He whispered and I blinked.


Who do you think it is who kissed him? And this was chapter eight!! I hope you guys liked it! Sorry it's been so long but I've been busy and exhausted. But I am in a writing mood today. I just posted a new Larry Stylinson and updated on this now I'm going to write on The Last Show. 

Thanks for reading my loves!! Comment, vote, fan! Thanks for reading!:(

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