Chapter 20

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[[So I'm going to do this chapter then one more and it'll be done. It's sad finishing this book but it has to be done at some point.]]

One Year Later...

The teenager grinned as Louis pulled him to his side, the interviewer talking to Niall about something he wasn't really paying attention to. His full attention was on Louis and his beautiful eyes were looking back down at him.

Harry heard someone say his name and his head snapped up, looking at the interviewer with a blush. She smiled softly as he sent her an apologetic look with a blush.

"I was asing what you two were planning. It's your one year ainniversary, am I correct?" Sadie, if he remembered right, and the boy grinned goofily and nodded, squeezing Louis' hand lovingly before the brunette girl spoke again.

"That's great boys. Anything specific planned?" She raised an eyebrow as the boys laughed, including Harry making Louis pout and confusing Sadie.

"Harry has something planned and he won't tell Louis." Zayn filled in and smirked as Louis sent him a glare. The boys laughed, this time Sadie joining in and giggling at Louis' little pout that stayed on his face until Hary nuzzled into his neck, a smile slipping onto his lips.

The rest of the interview went well, the boys liked her. She wasn't like most of the others they had, digging for secrets and into their personal lives. She was understanding of their privacy, joked around and was completely alright with Louis and Harry, maybe even a little happy to see them acting all couple like.

When it was over the boys hugged the girl before following Paul out of the building. Louis frowned when he saw two different cars, going to follow the other boys into one when Harry took his hand, pulling him towards the other.

"Have fun tonight!" Niall called back, winking at his friends while Zayn just grinned at the pair and got in after him.

"Not too much! Be safe!" Liam shouted as the couple got into their own car. Harry chuckled and winked at Liam who sighed deeply before Zayn pulled him in and kissed him softly.

"They'll be fine, dad." Niall teased and the other boy scowled.


Harry pulled away from Louis' lips as the car stopped, making the elder whine and open his eyes with a cute pout. The curly haired boy kissed the pout away before getting out grinning at Louis who followed him out of the car.

Paul whispered something to Harry as Louis looked around and noticed where they were. He turned to Harry who smirked back.

"What are we seeing then?" The older boy smiled at his boyfriend as they walked into the theater and Harry only winked. He noticed there was almost no one there except two workers, one opening the door for them as Harry sat in the very top where he pulled Louis down next to him.

As Louis was about to ask what they were the opening credits came on for what Louis quickly recognized as Peter Pan. He grinned down at the boy resting on his chest and held him closer.


Harry smiled up at Louis who was dozing, Return To Neverland ending. He knew there was still more to the date and he wanted Louis to have an amazing night, but he didn't want to force Louis when he seemed to tired.

Harry stroked Louis' cheek, his eyes fluttering before he seemed to finally fall asleep.

Harry stood before carefully lifting his older lover into his arms with a small smile. He walked to the car and settled Louis into the car, laying his coat on him.

"Home then?" Paul asked when Harry got in the car, cuddling up next to his elder boyfriend. He nodded and Paul looked at him for a minute before starting the car and driving towards their home quietly. 

When they pulled up and Harry was about to open the door Paul spoke. 

(Play the song on the side ;) )

"Why did you do it? Forgive him after everything? After all he put you through, you forgave him. You still loved him. Why?" Harry looked up and Louis kept his eyes closed despite waking up.

"Sometimes I ask myself that same question. Then I look at him and I instantly know the answer to the question."

"When you were a child did you ever just stick your hands out and spin around in circles as long as you could?" The elder nodded silently.

"Do you know the definition of forever?" Paul shook his head, frowning at the young boy who smiled, looking down at his boyfriend before back up at him.

"For all future time. For always. Something that is always there, no matter what. Something that is there when you need it and even there when you don't."

"Louis is my forever. He's the one there to catch me when I can't spin around anymore and the ground is shaking and the world is spinning. He catches me when I can't stand on my own anymore. He's the one to hold me until the world isn't sideways anymore, to help me stand back up on my feet."

"It's cheesy, I know. But he's my forever, he's the only person who was always there. Even when he left me. I never told anyone, but when Louis was dating Eleanor, after he broke up with me I had just started my cutting and he said something to me that I will never forget." 

"Do you know what Harry? I thought I could just break up with you and it would all be over. But I realized something. You can't break a forever. And you're mine."

"Then he turned around and walked out, off to a date with Eleanor. But he was right. You can't break a forever. No matter what you go through, a forever is until the end of time. Past all the pain and suffering and tears and everything that has happened, I realized something."

"I always wondered what the fans saw in our relationship that they believed so strongly in us, until I saw it. Louis and I had something people rarely have. A forever. Nothing lasts forever, everything comes to an end. Unless you make it forever. Even past death, past all of it. If you make it a forever, it shall be one."

Harry picked Louis up and opened the car door. 

"And that's why I forgave him."

"Because he's my forever. He's my always. He's the one there to catch me when I lose my balance to make sure I don't hit the ground. And we've done it. We've made our forever a true forever. And that's something I couldn't let go if I tried. So that's the answer, Paul. Forever. Goodnight." He flashed him a smile before carrying Louis in and to bed. 

"Forever Harry."

"Forever Lou."

If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart I'll stay there forever." - Winnie The Pooh 

// // //

SO THIS SUCKEDD!!! I'm so sorry for this! It's one of the last chapters and it's horrible. But, I was taking quotes and my own thoughts and putting it into words. Thank you for reading and i'll try and get the next chapter up soon ;*

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