Chapter 9

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"I love you Harry." He whispered and I blinked.

Zayn looked at me with such love in his eyes and I looked back in shock for a moment, just looking at him. I didn't know what to say. My eyes moved behind him to Louis who was watching the scene, also seeming to be in shock. 

I loved Zayn. But as a brother. Nothing more. I was completely in love with Louis. He was my everything and I needed him to know that. I couldn't lead Zayn on. Because I will always love Louis. I opened and closed my mouth for a few minutes. He looked at me, hope in his eyes and it crushed me to know what I had to say.

"I-I.. Zayn .. You know I love you. But as my brother. I.. I wish I loved you. Because you're an amazing person and you'll make some guy or girl, really happy one day. But I don't deserve to be loved. And I love Louis. Even if he's fucking Nick. Even if he doesn't love me back. Even if he broke my heart. I love him. And I'll never stop." I teared up as Zayns face fell, pain in his eyes before a obviously forced smile was on his face.

"I meant.. I love you as my brother. Of course I did. You think I like you like that? Harry, you're great and all but, not in that way." He faked a laugh and I could tell no one believed it but I bit my lip, not wanting to make him feel bad.

"Oh! I guess I just thought.. Well that's good Zaynie. You're going to find the right person soon." I smiled weakly at him and he nodded.

"I think I'm going to go see what we can make for dinner. Have a 'Welcome Back Harry' dinner." He faked another smile and walked, practically sprinted to the kitchen.

"Did you mean all that? Do you really still love me? Even after everything I did?" Louis spoke up timidly and I looked at him for a minute, jut looking at the boy I loved and nodded. 

This seemed to be all he needed to dart over and press his lips to mine, happy tears in his eyes. I almost let myself get lost in the kiss but I pushed him away and shook my head. He frowned, looking hurt but I looked at Nick who looked away.

"Why?" I asked quietly, looking down at the ground as Louis winced, letting me know I was right and they were together.

"I thought.. You wanted me back. Now you're with someone else? And it happens to be my best friend? I.. I get it. If you want him instead of me. I did all this. You deserve someone better. Someone like Nick." I asked without looking up and Louis practically choked on his air. I looked up alarmed but he took in a deep breath. He looked at me with disbelief in his eyes.

"You think we're together! Never! We were just both hurting and it started with a kiss then we started to use each other to escape thinking about you. But I would never, ever pick anyone over you. Don't even think that for a second." He held my face in his hands, each hand on one side of my face and I frowned.

"But you have feelings for him?" I asked, looking up at him in confusion. He bit his lip and looked at Nick who looked like he wanted to know the answer also.

"Yes. In the time you were 'dead', me and Nick got closer than before. But I don't love him anywhere near as much as I love you." And that hurt more than I could ever explain. 

It hurt worse than Eleanor. It hurt worse than anything he's ever done. Because of the way he said the words. The words he chose.

But I don't love him anywhere near as much as I love you.

He loved him. Just not as much as he loved me. But he loved him. And I could tell in Nick's eyes, he loved him too. My best friend and the man I loved, love each other. And that broke my heart. 

I looked at Louis, just looked at him.

"You love him." I was surprised at how weak my voice was, how much it sounded like I had given up. The way it sounded like it hurt to say the words. Because it did. It killed me.

"I-I'm sorry Hazz. I love him. But I love you. So much more. I promise. Please. I'll stop seeing him! I promise! Just.. Don't leave me again! Please! Please?!" Tears began to form in Louis eyes and by the end he was nearly sobbing.

Nick stepped toward me and I looked at him, shaking my head and looking away. I couldn't look at either of them right now.

"I'm not leaving. But I can't be with you until you figure out what you feel." I whispered, any part left of my heart breaking. Louis sobbed harder and dropped to his knees.

"You! I love you! I need you!" I winced and looked down at Louis.

"There is a difference between loving me and needing me." He flinched back as I cleared my throat, wiping my cheeks, not even knowing I had cried until I felt the tears. I ran my hand through his hair and ran my hand down his cheek.

"If you love me. Prove it." I added before walking towards the kitchen to help Liam make dinner, not able to stay in the room any longer. I heard Liam walking behind me but I stopped when I heard Louis' voice.

"I will." His voice was small and I don't think I was meant to hear it, but I did. And I could only wish and hope he would. Because I loved him. With everything in me. And I couldn't think of a life without him by my side.

"I hope so." I murmured under my breath, only Liam hearing. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and lead me into the kitchen.


So that didn't come out like I wanted to but.. That's the chapter! I hope you guys liked it. I know it took a while but I hope it was worth it.....

So I have an idea. I've had it for a while but I want to know your opinion.

So Zayn is obviously in love with Harry. And obviously they aren't going to be together. So I was thinking..

What if I made a seond story (a short story, not like this one, just a few chapters) kind of thing, like in Zayn's POV, starting from now. And make it a Ziam? Where Liam tries to help Zayn get over him, showing him how to go out and have fun, trying to get his mind off of Harry and they fall in love. 

But Zayn still loves Harry and it just goes along with Take A Bow?

I dunno.. Just a thought. 

What do you think? Of the idea and the story? Lemme know! Comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want to do!

Love you! :)

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