Chapter 18

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((So this will be ending soon, maybe 20 or 21, but not past 22 and not under 19. So yeah, 20-21. 

 I don't remember who I put Niall with, maybe Josh, but I don't want that on this story, so he's gonna be with Matt (for those who don't know who I'm talking about, he works with Nick))


WARNING: (not into detail) Rape, but still mentions of being mugged and raped.


Everything seemed to be going well for the One Direction boys. Zayn and Liam were finally together, Louis and Harry were happy and Niall had Matt. The boys had the loves of their life and each other, the music and the true fans that stayed with them which was still millions of amazing girls and boys. 

Harry was currently walking down the streets of London, hood up with his hands in his pockets. He didn't want to be caught by any fans or cameras. It was nearly midnight so he didn't expect anyone, but he had learned to always expect. 

He knew it probably wasn't smart to be walking the street this late at night but he didn't want to call and wake Louis up and Nick had left with a guy after getting the OK from Harry. 

He around as he walked past an alley, hearing dark chuckling. He almost stopped to look down it but after all the scary movies he'd seen, he knew better. 

Walking faster Harry pulled out his phone to call Liam or Paul or anyone but the phone was soon knocked out of his hand. He winced and looked up to see a large man standing in front of him. He was taller than him and bigger. 

"Excuse me." He whispered, trying to move around him only to be blocked again. The man smirked and ran his finger down the boys cheek, brushing a curl out of his face.

"You're gorgeous. I might have some fun with you." Harry flinched and shifted away only to be grabbed around the waist from behind and dragged into the dark alley. There were two of them, and it was obvious they were much bigger than him. 

After minutes of fighting and being punched and kicked when he tried to fight back, he slumped to the ground and let his pants be dragged off. 

He sobbed quietly, eyes closed tightly at the pain throughout his body. 

After about an hour of the abuse and the men taking turns hurting Harry in ways he couldn't think about, one of them pulled out of him. He prepared himself for another to be pushed into him but when he felt nothing his eyes opened weakly. 

Cracked lips pressed against his cheek and the two men laughed, walking away while they buttoned their jeans. 

Harry didn't hear the screams or people running to him. He didn't notice being lifted or put in a car and taken to the hospital. He could barely keep himself awake. At one point he felt himself begin to slip off as he was rolled into the hospital. He heard someone speaking to him, telling him to stay awake, but he let himself slip into the darkness. 


"C'mon Haz. Wake up." Harry groaned but it was silent, his throat too dry to make any real sounds come out. His eyes were heavy, not wanting to open but as he realized who was talking to him they fluttered slightly. 

"Boo?" His voice cracked, eyes barely opening. He winced and shut them at the bright light. He heard a click and the light pressing against his closed eyes was gone. They opened again and lips pressed to his, something wet falling on his face. 

"I was so scared." Louis cried, burying his face gently in Harry's shoulder. The younger boy frowned but everything soon hit him like a bus and tears filled his eyes. Louis wrapped his arms around his boyfriend as the boy began to shake. 

Sobs tore through the nineteen year old that had just been through hell and he gripped onto the older boy. 

"I called your mum beautiful. She'll be here tonight." Louis murmured, stroking Harry's hair as the boy's sobs started to quiet down a little. At this Harry cried harder. He didn't want his mother to see him like this. He didn't want his mother to know how dirty and used he was. 

 "It'll be alright Hazza. We'll be alright." He whispered, not sure if he was trying to convince himself or Harry. Maybe both. Harry closed his eyes, hoping to wake up in Louis' arms and this have all been a bad dream. 


Harry woke up to someone stroking his hair. It wasn't Louis. He knew that, he'd gotten used to the way Louis' hands feel. His eyes flew open at the familiar touch and nearly broke down as he met his mother's pained eyes. 

He didn't have to say anything, barely lifting his arms before she pulled him close. Before he knew it, he was crying again. He was tired of crying but he hadn't run out of tears or reasons to cry. It was all he could do right now. 

He cried for what he lost, for what was taken and for being dirty and used and broken. He cried for the ache in his heart and the fear that had settled in him. He was scared everyone was against him now. He would barely let the nurses near him, his boyfriend having to be there to reassure him. 

Sobbing Harry clung to his mother desperately, gripping the back of her shirt as if to make sure she wasn't going to go anywhere but they both knew she wasn't going to be leaving for a while. 

After all, her son had just gotten. . . No. Harry refused to even think that word. But it hit him hard when he realized it was true. It didn't matter if he didn't want to say the word. He was, it happened to him. 

Harry Styles had been hurt in ways no one could bare to think about, on a Friday, October 18th. On that day Harry Styles was raped and had everything stolen from him. Maybe even including his relationship. 

How was Louis supposed to look at him? He cried into his mother's shoulder, clinging like a monkey and the woman letting him, holding him tight and speaking soothing words into his ear quietly.


So this took a twist in the story in a different direction. I don't know how this happened, it just kind of did. 

The next chapter will probably be back in Harry's POV, just so you know. I did this chapter in third because I thought it'd be better. I hope I was right! Lemme know what you thought, please, I like to know what you guys think! <3

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