Part 11 - She's A Liar And A Cheat..

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I was woken up someone knocking, well it was actually more like angry hammering, on the front door. They weren't wasting any time and they wanted to be let into my flat now.

I looked at the time to see that it had only just turned half seven. Okay, I was going to kill whoever was at the door.

I mean, who is even awake this early on a Saturday morning. Especially when most people have the morning off work. I didn't need to be awake at this time. I didn't even want to be awake at this time.

It was far too early for me.

I then rolled over slightly to see that Imogen was still asleep next to me. She slept through anything. She would probably sleep through an earthquake and then be totally unaware that it had even happened, until someone told her about it the following morning. I'll never know how she did it but I wished I had that ability as well; would really come in handy right now.

"Tom, we know you're in there. Now answer the door..." a voice shouted through the letterbox. I realised from the accent that it was Max and there was only one reason that he was here. He was going to tell me yet another reason why I shouldn't be with Imogen.

The same thing that he had been doing for around a week and a half now.

He was clearly jealous. Even though he said he wasn't. But I could see right through him, and so could the other boys. They knew he was jealous and didn't want me and Imogen to work out; he thought that he would have another shot with her if that happened.

Taylor had also tried to tell me several stories about why she wasn't good enough for me. But the reason she didn't want it to work it is because she thought if Imogen was happy, then Max would be unhappy and she would suffer. She felt like she would be pushed to the side while Max attempted to win Imogen back; which was never going to happen but it was amusing watching him try.

"What do you two want?" I said as I opened the door to see Max and Taylor both stood there with smirks on their faces.

"We've got something to show you. Seems your girlfriend isn't as innocent as she makes herself to be..." Taylor replied, pushing her way past me and into flat like she owned the place. Even though I had told her before that she wasn't welcome here.

"Where is she then? Got rid off her already?" Max added, looking around the place looking to see where Imogen was hiding.

"No, she's asleep actually. Which is where I would still like to be..." I muttered as I followed the pair of the into the living room.

"Well, she might not be sleeping for long once you've seen and heard this..." Taylor said.

"What are you on about?"

"Taylor, would you like to do the honours?" Max asked, focusing his attention on Taylor who seemed to be looking pretty impressed with herself and what she had to tell me. While Max, on the other hand, looked like he didn't really want to be there.

"Look, will one of you just tell me what the hell is going on here? I want to get back to bed!" I sighed as I took a seat on the sofa, waiting to be told what was going on because I was just confused and wanted to know what they were going on about.

"Well, you know your girlfriend?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I know her. She's the one I've spent the last two weeks sleeping next to..." I replied sarcastically.

"She's a liar and a cheat!" Taylor stated proudly.

"Oh really, and you have proof of this do you?"

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