Part 15 - I Love You Too Parker.

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Tom's POV -

I woke up the following morning and my head was banging. It was like someone was actually playing the drums and it was vibrating throughout my whole head.

It was killing me, I needed some relief and I needed it fast. And I also needed to learn that drinking as much as I did last night was never a good idea. I always regretted it in the morning and wished I'd never done it; but I never stopped.

I loved drinking far too much and that was never going to change.

Drinking far too much is what I did best and I liked that. I also liked having fun and being the one that was making other people drink along with me; was always good fun when they ended up in the same state as me.

It was even better when they felt worse than me. Means that I had outdone them and they'd drunk even more than me, I loved that part so much.

"Morning Tom. How's your head this morning?" Imogen shouted at me as I walked out into the living. Seeing that it was tidy and she was now watching Jeremy Kyle, either she lost our bet or she got fed up with the place looking like a total mess.

"No need to shout. My poor head can't take it..." I muttered, placing my hand on my head at the same time.

"Aw, shouldn't have drunk as much as you did. Then you would be fine this morning!" she laughed.

God, she was so mean to me sometimes.

And, to make it even worse, she actually enjoyed that she was making me suffer while she was sat there feeling absolutely nothing.

How she wasn't feeling the effects I'll never know.

"How's your head?" I asked her.

"Mine is totally fine. I decided against downing drink after drink..." she giggled making me feel even more idiotic than I already did.

And there was me thinking she loved me.

"What did I drink last night?"

"I think the question would sound better if you said what weren't you drinking last night..." she laughed.

"What the hell do you mean?"

"You, Nath and Jay were drinking everything last night. There wasn't much that you three didn't drink. Me and Kelsey just drank sensibly!" she smirked at me.

"Guessing that means I lost our bet then?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, you definitely lost. Does that mean I get my holiday?"

"Where do you want to go?" I replied happily.

"I want to go to America. You always tell me how amazing it is there, I want to find out for myself; and you can show me all the best places to go..." she smiled, turning around now so that she was looking at me while she was talking. Rather than talking to the TV.

Not that I blame her.

Jeremy Kyle is an awesome guy.

I mean, everyone loves him. How can you not love him?

He just tells it how it is and doesn't hold back; kinda like me when I want to be really.

"America it is then. Now, excuse me while I get some aspirin for this one-man band in my head..." I replied, disappearing into the kitchen so I could search for something strong enough to make me feel like I could think without having my thoughts interrupted.

I'm never going to drink again.

Well, okay, that's a lie and we all know that is. I'm sure I would have drunk something alcoholic by the end of today; even if it's only one drink. I'm sure I was going to have drunk something.

And I would regret it. But you know me and alcohol.

We're best friends. Just can't live without each other.

You know what I mean, right?

Oh well, never mind if you don't. Not many people know what I mean. Not even I know what I mean, so it's totally fine.

I forgive you for not understanding me.

Imogen's POV -

I loved the fact that I had beaten Tom in our little bet, I never thought it was going to happen. Proved myself wrong though and did the total opposite of what he was doing.

Nath, Jay and Tom wasted no time in going for everything on the top shelf. You know, the vodka, whiskey, gin and all that other crap which makes you drunk in double quick time.

Me and Kelsey had our little secret; we drank water in between the alcoholic drinks just to keep ourselves hydrated.

Shame the boys didn't think of that. Maybe they wouldn't be feeling this rough now and Tom might have won his little bet. I mean, I tidied the flat anyway because the mess had just got to the point where you couldn't walk from A to B without the possibility of killing yourself.

I just didn't have to listen to Tom bragging for a whole week about how he beat me, or how he was a much better drinker than I was, or how he could drink me under the table any night of the week.

Victory was sweet.

"How does a tour of America sound? You know, like visiting five or six different states?" Tom asked, suddenly appearing on the sofa beside me with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Depends which states you want to take me to..."

"Where would you like to go?"

"LA, Las Vegas, New York and Miami. They're the ones I've always wanted to visit!" I smiled back at Tom, moving closer to him at the same time.

"Then they are the places that we shall go. I think two months should be long enough to cover the time we need..." Tom replied.

"And how are you going to get the time of work for that?" I enquired.

Surely he would never be allowed to take that much time away from everything; not at the point where they were planning what they were going to be doing in the coming months.

They would never let him have the time off that he was asking for.

"I'm Thomas Parker. I'll get the time off and I'll make sure you have the most amazing two months out there; that's a promise!" Tom said, pulling me closer to his body as he spoke.

"Then I look forward to it, just as long as you don't go too wild while we're out there..." I laughed.

"Not going to make that promise. I'm going to have an amazing time with the girl that I love!"

"Aw, I love you too Parker. Even when I'm the one having to carry you home!" I chuckled, allowing Tom to place a kiss on my lips.

There was nothing that I wanted more from my life right now and there was nothing that I would change about it.

Since breaking up with Max, everything seems to have gone my way and I'm actually happy with the way that things are going. Tom makes me happy and he makes me feel things that I never even knew I could feel; I'd have to be an idiot to throw all of that away.

This is where I wanted to be right now and this is where I intend to say.

Nothing is going to take Tom away from me and nothing is going to change the way that I feel about him; especially not some jealous ex-boyfriend and certainly not some bitchy ex-bestfriend.

Taylor and Max had each other.

Me and Tom had each other.

Everything was perfect.

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