Hero of Vengeance

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Our story starts off in Gotham City. When you someone is crying out for help.

Civilian: Help! Somebody help me!

The man runs into a alleyway with no exit and a gang of criminals walk towards him.

Criminal#1: Hey buddy, where do you think you're going? We need you.

Criminal#2: Yeah, our new friend here hasn't beaten anyone up yet. This will show us what he's capable of. You ready new guy?

Criminal#3: Yeah, yeah, man. I'm ready.

Criminal#3 picks up a brick.

Criminal#3: I'm going to remake your face.

As the criminal is about to hurt the man, you come out of the shadows.

Criminal#1: The hell are you supposed to be?

Criminal#1 throws a punch at you, but you catch it with your left arm; breaking his arm and then you repeatedly punch the criminal in the face with your right arm; sending him to the ground, you continue to punch the criminal until he's out cold.

Batman: I'm vengeance.

As the other 6 criminals watch in horror, they get ready to fight. Criminal#3 throws the brick at you, but you catch it and throw it back; hitting him in the head; knocking him out. Leaving 5 criminals left.

Batman: Who's next?

The 5 criminals run at you, you kick one in the face and you follow it up with elbowing another criminal, then a criminal runs at you and you flip him over and you drop your knee on his face; breaking his nose next you do a backflip in the air kicking another criminal in the face, and finally you grab the last criminal; head butting him into unconsciousness. You look at the man, making sure he was ok.

Civilian: T-Thank you...

You walk away into the shadows; letting the police do their job.


You enter the Batcave while taking off your cowl.

???: How did it go tonight?

Y/n: Same old thing; criminals prying off the innocent people who can't protect themselves.

???: You're sound like him.

Y/n: Speaking of... has you made any progress finding him?

???: I'm sorry. Nothing new.

Y/n: Thanks for trying Barbara.

Barbara uses her wheelchair to get closer to you.

Barbara: I'm always here for you. You're like a younger brother to me. Family sticks together.

Y/n: I know. I just hope, I'm making him proud.

Barbara: Your Dad is proud of you. That's why he trusts you to be the hero Gotham needs. Speaking of Dad, I need to see mine. We're having dinner together.

Barbara wheels herself to the elevator.

Y/n: Need any help?

Barbara: I can manage on my own.

Y/n: If you need anything-

Barbara: You'll be the first one I call.

Barbara takes the elevator out of the Batcave. You look at the Batcomputer and think to yourself.

Y/n: *Mind* Where are you, Dad?

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