The Bat and The Canary

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After stopping a high speed chase, you return home, where you find Sara watching TV.

Y/n: Hey.

Sara: Hey.

Y/n: How are you settling in?

Sara: Ever since I came here to Gotham, I feel like, I'm at home.

Y/n: That's the first. The only people who say that are the criminals who are born here. Your not a criminal, are you?

Sara: Well... you did show me how to lock pic a car.

Y/n: Oh yeah. I guess we're both criminals.

Sara: It seems we are.

You and Sara hear the news from the TV.

TV: Breaking News: Two Face has taken hostages at the Gotham City Hospital. Police are trying to get the hostages released, but to no avail. Will have more news later.

Sara: You know it's late, I'm going to bed.

Y/n: Yeah. Good night.

Sara goes to her bedroom, and you head to the Batcave to suit up.

Gotham City Hospital

You arrive on the rooftop near the hospital, and you call Commissioner Gordon.

Batman: Gordon, what's the situation?

Gordon: *Phone* The 9th and 10th floors have been taken by Two Face and his men, they have at least 50 confirmed hostages. We're still waiting for demands. There's nothing we can do now.

Batman: Let me handle Two Face. I'll give you and your officers an opening for the 9th and 10th floors.

Gordon: *Phone* Take him down.

You use your Detective Mode to scan the area, you see 41 hostiles and 55 civilians.

Batman: *Mind* 20 hostiles and 28 civilians on the 9th floor. 21 hostiles and 22 citizens on the 10th floor. I'll start on the 8th floor.

You use the Line Launcher to carry yourself to the 8th floor. You kick through the window and you scan the area again.

Batman: *Mind* 5 of the hostiles are gathered in one room. There making this too easy.

You spray Explosive Gel underneath where the hostiles are standing. You back away and set off the Explosive Gel. When the explosion hits; the 5 hostiles fall through. 2 more hostiles check out the noise and when they show up, you grab the both of them and you send them through the hole; knocking them out. You go into the vent to scout out the rest of the area. When you crawl through the vent, you see 15 hostages being guarded by 6 hostiles. You slightly open the vent gate and you throw a Sonic Batarang at the wall farthest away from the hostages, and you activate it; making all of the hostiles go towards the sound; and when they get close enough, you set the Sonic Batarang to explode; taking down all of the hostiles. You drop down and release all of the hostages.

Batman: Have you heard anything?

Civilian: No. They haven't said anything.

Batman: Ok, the East stairwell is clear. The cops will be waiting for you.

Civilian: Thank you, thank you.

The civilians get out and you scan the floor for the rest of the hostages and hostiles.

Batman: *Mind* 7 hostiles left in this floor.

You walk in the hallway we're you see the rest of the hostiles guarding a room. You use the Disruptor to take out their guns; they see you and they open fire, but their guns explode when they pull the trigger; knocking them out. You go into the room and free the rest of the hostages. Then you make your way to the 10th floor by going up the stairs. When you get to the 10th, you kick open the door; taking out 1 bad guy, then another bad guy puts his gun close to you, you grab the gun; throw it away then you throw the bad guy behind you; which takes out another bad guy who's behind you. You walk down the hall and you see a water pipe on the ceiling. 10 bad guys come in and the throw a Batarang at the water pipe; making it burst out water on the 10 bad guys; you throw a Electric Batarang into the water; electrocuting the bad guys. You scan the floor to see 6 bad guys guarding a door to a room with all of the hostages and the 7th bad guy.

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