Old Memories

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You enter the Batcave were you see Barbara working on the Batcomputer.

Y/n: Find anything on your Dad's case?

Barbara: Other than finding more dead gang members. Nothing. Shouldn't you be at work?

Y/n: Its 09:00 PM. My shift ended an hour ago.

Barbara: CEO's have a shift?

Y/n: Technically I can make my own schedule, but it makes the broad happy if I work for a certain amount of time. *You look at Barbara's face and see bags under her eyes* How long have you been awake?

Barbara: Do not go there with me! You of all people do not get to say that to me.

Y/n: Barbara. When was the last time you slept?

Barbara: What's today?

Y/n: Tuesday.

Barbara: I thought it was Friday.

Y/n: Barbara, take a break. Actually take a few days off. You're going to need it.

Barbara: What are you going to do without me?

Y/n: I'll be on a business trip for a few days.

Barbara: Where?

Y/n: Starling City. I'll be seeing an old friend.

Barbara: Right, you went to High School there.

Y/n: Because Dad thought it would be a good idea to see what it's like outside of Gotham.

Barbara: Are you going to a High School reunion?

Y/n: No, I'll be going to Queen Industries to form a truce. That's what the broad wants me to do.

Barbara: Well the broad choose the right man. You know, I'm going to take your offer. I need some rest.

Y/n: You want me to take you home?

Barbara: I love you, but you don't have to help me with everything. I'll see you in a few days.

Barbara leaves the Batcave.

Y/n: *Mind* Guess I should prepare for tomorrow.

The Batcomputer sends an alert about a crime in progress.

Y/n: *Mind* Or not.

You suit up then you take the Batmobile to Ace Chemicals.

When you arrive, you get out of the Batmobile, entering Ace Chemicals; you see 3 teenagers. You get closer to them.

Batman: What are you doing here?

2 of the teenagers runs away while one stays; putting his hands up; preparing to fight.

Batman: Don't.

The teenager runs at you, but you move to the right while tripping the teenager.

Batman: Kid, getting a kick out of chemical's might make you feel good, but they'll kill you. Go home.

The teenager runs off. Then you leave; heading back home.

The next day you fly off to Starling City.

Queen Industries

Announcer: *Clears throat* Ladies and Gentleman: Oliver Queen.

Everyone claps for Oliver, as he stands in front of everyone.

Oliver: Thank you, thank you. I appreciate everyone for coming here tonight. This event is important for Queen Industries, and not only will this help this company. It will also help add homes and jobs in Starling City. With your generous donations, Starling City will become the home I've always dreamed of. Thank you.

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