Only Human

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One week later...

You and Sara are training.

Sara: You're ready good at this.

Y/n: I was trained by the best.

You see an opening and you knock Sara to the ground.

Y/n: You were wide open.

You help Sara up.

Sara: So who was the Batman? The Batman before you.

Y/n: I made a promise to him that I wouldn't tell anyone his secret.

Sara: I'll figure it out.

Y/n: Good luck.

Sara: So... I was talking to Barbara, and she mentioned something interesting.

Y/n: *Sighs* What did she tell you?

Sara: She told me that you had a crush in high school. Her exact words were "Sara Lance."

Y/n: I-I regret telling her that. Yes, I had this huge crush on you in high school. I thought those feelings went away, but when I saw you at Oliver's party. Those feelings came back.

Sara: Why did you never say anything back then?

Y/n: Because I knew how you felt about Oliver. I didn't want to get in the way of that.

Sara: You could have said something.

Y/n: But I didn't. I was too nervous to say anything to you.

Sara: Are you nervous now?

Y/n: No. Do you think of me, any differently now that you know my secret?

Sara: No, it showed me who you really are. And to be honest; I like seeing the real you.

Y/n: And I like seeing the real you. Because the real you is a badass.

Sara: Thanks. Same to you.

Y/n: Hey, Sara. What did you see when you got hit with the toxin last week?

Sara: When I was in the league, I was sent on a mission to kill a man who ran away from the league.

Y/n: There are only two ways to leave the league. Either Ra's al Ghul let's you go or you die. I'm going to guess he didn't get Ra's permission to leave.

Sara: No, he was found and I was sent after him. I'll killed him and in the morning his kids, found him.

Y/n: You've regretted killing him?

Sara: Yes...

Y/n: That's what you saw.

Sara: I thought it was all behind me.

Y/n: Sara, you can't forget something like that. It's apart of you now. Instead of fearing that; in-brace it. Make it your strength, not your weakness. If you let it be your weakness it will be your downfall.

Sara: That's a good speech. I'll use that.

Y/n: Good.

Sara: Well, You know my secret. What's yours?

Y/n: At first I thought it would be seeing my father again. Or losing Barbara, Lucius, or someone finding out my secret. But recently I figured it out.

Sara: What?

Y/n:............ You. I'm afraid of losing you. I care about you. More then you know.

Sara walks up to you.

Sara: Do you love me?

Y/n: Yes.

Sara: What do you want right now?

Y/n: I want you.

Sara wraps her arms around you and kisses you. You put your hands on her hips and pull her in closer. Then the two of you kiss for a couple of minutes.

Y/n: *Breathing heavily* I wish we did this sooner.

Sara: *Breathing heavily* Me too.

Sara jumps up and wraps her legs around you and you move your hands down to her ass.

Sara: Well you're pretty bold~

Y/n: You like it.

Sara: Yeah I do. You know, you have nice hands. Want to show me what else you can do with them. Preferably without clothes~

Y/n: My room is near the entrance of the Batcave.

Sara: Prefect.

You carry Sara to the elevator while kissing her and it felt like hours until the elevator opened. You take Sara to your room where the both of you undressed each other and both of you go at it all night.

-Chapter End-

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