Under The Red Hood

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Somewhere in Gotham City

You and Sara are walking home from a date.

Y/n: Tonight was fun.

Sara: Well if you want more fun then let go home. In bed~

Y/n: Then let's go home.

As the two of you are walking, 3 guys appear in front of you.

Y/n: Is there something we can help you with?

???: Yeah there is. Wallets, watches, and jewelry. Now!

You and Sara look at each other and nod.

???: Did you hear me-

You and Sara punch the man in the face and he falls to the floor.

The other 2 guys run at you and Sara, but the two of you roundhouse kick them out cold.

Y/n: Home?

Sara: Home.

Wayne Manor

As you and Sara walk through the door. The both of you see Barbara looking at an old picture.

Y/n: Hey, Barbara. When did you get back?

Barbara: A few hours ago.

Y/n: How's Tim?

Barbara: Good, good. He says hi.

Y/n: Where is he?

Barbara: In Blüdhaven with Nightwing. Something about a drug bust or something?

Sara: But that's not why you're here is it?

Barbara: No. Y/n, remember the case about those mysterious gang murders?

Y/n: Did you find something?

Barbara: Some of the biggest gang leaders in Gotham are moving a big shipment at the docks in 1 hour. This might be our lucky break.

Sara: I haven't been on a stakeout mission in a while.

Y/n: We're going to stop this guy.

You and Sara suit up then head to the docks.

Gotham Harbor

You and the Canary are watching the criminals loading boxes of drugs into their trucks.

Batman: I'll go left, you go right.

Canary: Got it.

You glide down and Canary jumps down and the both of you get ready to fight.

???1: It's Batman!

???2: He said he would protect us.

Canary: No one is protecting you.

Suddenly a bunch of rounds of bullets hit the ground right in front of you.

Red Hood: Actually, I keep my promises.

You and Canary look at the mysterious man.

Canary: Great. Who are you?

Red Hood: Red Hood, and that's all you're getting from me.

Canary: We'll see about that.

Red Hood: Take the truck and go. I'll deal with them.

The gang gets in the truck and leaves.

Red Hood: Me or them, Batman. You choose!

Red Hood runs off.

Canary: What do we do?

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