League of Assassins

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Wayne Manor

Your making breakfast in the kitchen and Sara walks in.

Y/n: Good morning.

Sara: Good morning. Thanks for letting me stay here.

Y/n: Anytime. Breakfast?

Sara: Please.

You give Sara a plate.

Y/n: How long do you plan on staying?

Sara: I don't know. But there's something I have to take care of... Something I need to face.

Y/n: Facing your past?

Sara: Yeah.

Y/n: Well, I'm always here for you, if you need me.

Sara: Y/n Wayne, always trying to save the world.

Y/n: I don't know about saving the world, but I might be able save one person at a time.

Sara smiles at your remark.

Sara: So I'll probably leave tonight or tomorrow. Is it ok if I stay a little longer?

Y/n: Sara, you can stay as long as you like.

Sara: Will that be a problem for your girlfriend, if I'm alone with you?

Y/n: Don't have a girlfriend. And I'm the only one who lives here.

Sara: The richest man in Gotham, is single?

Y/n: I've been busy. Haven't had time to date.

Sara: Busy with what?

Y/n: Ever since my Dad left, I've had to take his job. I was the temporary CEO, but a few weeks ago I became the official CEO.

Sara: I still have a hard time believing the quiet kid from school is now the CEO of his company.

Y/n: I wasn't that quiet. Was I?

You get a text on your phone.

Y/n: *Sighs* There's an emergency at Wayne Enterprises. I have to go.

Sara: I'll be here. Waiting.

You smile and then you leave.

Wayne Enterprises

You walk into your office to find Lucius.

Y/n: Lucius, what's the emergency?

Lucius: Remember the Mayor's party?

Y/n: The one happening next week?

Lucius: It got moved to tonight.

Y/n: Tonight? What for?

Lucius: Apparently he has a trip planned next week. So it got moved to tonight. Is that going to be a problem?

Y/n: I have a old friend in town. I had this evening planned with her.

Lucius: You know, you could have her be your plus one.

Y/n: I'll ask her. Let's get to work.

Lucius: Oh, and Mr. Wayne. I finished that request you wanted me to do. The suit is now more flexible; just as requested.

Y/n: Thank you, Lucius.

Lucius: It's what I do.

You and Lucius get to work.

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