Cold Day In Hell

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Some time after the last chapter...

You wake up next to Sara, who also wakes up.

Y/n: Morning beautiful.

Sara: Morning handsome.

Y/n: So have you finally made a decision about staying with me?

Sara kisses you.

Sara: Does that answer your question?

Y/n: I believe so.

You kiss Sara.

Sara: I can't remember that last time I was this happy.

Y/n: Same here.

You get on top of Sara.

Y/n: How about we go another round?

Sara: You have the best ideas.

You kiss Sara when suddenly you get a call.

Y/n: *Sighs* I hate my job right now.

Sara: You better hurry. I have an itch that needs scratching, your the only one who can help me~

Y/n: I'll hurry.

You pick up the phone.

Y/n: Hello?

Lucius: *Phone* Y/n, we have a problem. One of our warehouse was robbed last night.

Y/n: Then let the police handle it. I'm pretty sure the police don't need me to catch every criminal in the city.

Lucius: *Phone* Except it's not a ordinary criminal. The man who robbed the warehouse was, Victor Fries. I believe this is a call for your alter ego.

Y/n: *Heavy Sigh* I'll be right there soon. Just let me get my suit.

You hang up.

Sara: That didn't sound well.

Y/n: A supervillain broke into my warehouse, and I need to find him.

Sara: I'll come with you.

Y/n: Ok. Just don't underestimate Freeze, when we find him.

Sara: Freeze?

Y/n: I didn't pick the code names.

You and Sara go to the Batcave and suit up.

Wayne Enterprises

You and Canary go to the rooftop where the two of you meet Lucius.

Batman: What do you have on Freeze?

Lucius: I have a theory. Freeze took a device that's made to stabilize just about anything. For instance say something trapped in ice.

Batman: He's trying to save his wife.

Canary: His wife?

Batman: Freeze's wife has a rare disease. So Freeze completely froze her to by time for reaching a cure.

Canary: So we find his wife and we find him.

Batman: Yes. Nora Fries is at a IVO Lab facility a couple of miles from here.

Lucius: I bet Barbara would hack every camera in Gotham to keep an eye out for Freeze.

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