Their First Date

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As Zac is still planning the date he gets the perfect idea
I know exactly where I want to take her and I've never done this with or for another woman so I know she special.
He puts his place into motion and then txts Fatima and tell her to be ready by 6
, he texts her the location of where he wants her to meet him and says I look forward to seeing you!
Fatima is kind of losing her mind and can't believe she actually agreed to go on this date with Zac, of course she wanted to but with everything that went on just this morning she was wondering if it was too soon to be planning something for this night especially knowing Ian may be watching her. But she shakes it off and repeats to herself "He is no longer in control, this is my only life so I'm going to live it" while repeating her mantra she gets a text from Zac that let's her know what time to be ready and the place. It is now 1:00 pm so she has plenty of time to get herself dolled up and ready! She googles the location he sends her and sees that there isn't really anything there and this has her on the fences
Fatima(thinking) I know this nigga not trying to kill me, or what if this nigga is just a set up and its really Ian, hell nawl this nigga knocked Ian out cold so it can't be that, let me make sure my gun is fully loaded and I have one in the clip because Ima get him before he gets me!
Fatima laughing at herself and her thoughts this nigga (Ian) has me paranoid asf I hate his ass and I wish he'd just go away!
Fatima text Zac back...
Fatima- Okay I'll be there, see you soon.

Time has pretty much sped by and it is now 5:15 , Fatima is adding her finishing touches but is pretty much ready to walk out. She decide on something simple but sexy , she didn't want to over do it

 She decide on something simple but sexy , she didn't want to over do it

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The look she went with (sorry guys I suck at describing outfits)

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The look she went with (sorry guys I suck at describing outfits)

She checked and made sure all her windows were locked and lights were off locked her door and headed out for the evening.

He sees Fatimas response to his message and just smiles, thinking wtf is this girl doing to me. Got me wanting to take a step back because I can already tell this is not going to be healthy! Lord (Zac saying silent prayer) please let her be the one and not make me show my ass because you know how I am once we locked in!
Zac went and got his hair cut and picked up a few things just some finishing touches so that he'll be ready for the night.
It's 5:00 Zacs time and he is walking out the door

The look Zac went withZac wanted to get to the meet up spot just a bit early incase Fatima decided to show up early and do some snooping and he didn't want to risk her driving off due to there being nothing there!It only took his driver about 15 m...

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The look Zac went with
Zac wanted to get to the meet up spot just a bit early incase Fatima decided to show up early and do some snooping and he didn't want to risk her driving off due to there being nothing there!
It only took his driver about 15 minutes to get to the spot so Zac is in his car parked at the waiting for Fatima to pull. She pulls up and it is 5:46 he thinks to hisself I knew she would come early he hops out the car with a dozen white roses in hand and goes to open her door for her and is stunned all he can say is DAMNNNN and is just in awwwe for a moment...
Fatima blushing looking up at him admiring how good he look in that suit and how he smells just as good as he looks thinking to herself (downnn girl, control yourself) she just smiles and says for me.
Snapping Zac out of his daze
Zac- You look stunning and yes of course (handing her the roses)
Fatima- Aww thank you they're beautiful (accepting the flowers) you don't look to bad yourself handsome she says smirking at him.
Zac- (thinking to himself she keeps this up the only place we gone be going is back to my place let me get this woman to the car.) Are you ready?
Fatima-Ready for what (she asks nervously)
Zac-(chuckles) Our date of course (knowing she has to be a bit scared because there is literally nothing there)
Fatima- Yea I guess but there's nothing here
Zac- Do you trust me?
Fatima- Nigga I don't even know you
Zac- (bursts out laughing) Damn I wasn't expecting that , okay your right but still so you trust that I have no intention to hurt you ?
Fatima- (giving him the side eye) Ummm idk I guess we'll see but my phone and purse stays on me at all times, I've already told my best friends we were going out and my location is on and I have an air tag
Zac- still laughing thinking ( damn this is what women have to ho through to Date someone knew) okay all of that is fine but this is not actually the location of the Date its about 7 minutes from here is it okay if I blindfold you while we're headed there.
Fatima- still nervous as hell but decides fuck it repeating her mantra to herself ( He is no longer in control, this is my only life so I'm going to live it") okay go ahead , im trusting you. Don't fuck this up.
Zac smiling walking toward her with the blind fold, she turns around so that her back is facing him and he can tie the blindfold over her eyes and he just stands there for a moment close enough to breath her in and is captivated by her smell her just wants to taste her just kiss and lick her all over her puts his face to her neck just to feel a bit closer and Fatima gets weak in the knees, having him that close is sending impulses through her body and she can't take to much more before acting on it she whispers " You're supposed to be putting on the blindfold"
He smiles and says "I know" kisses her neck then ties the blind fold and leads her over to the car.  Fatima is wet at this point and don't see how she is going to make it through the night . Saying a silent prayer "Please give me the strength".

Once inside the car Zac introduces Fatima to his driver Henry and let's her know that he has been driving for Zac the last 5 years he also works as his bodyguard he is a retired vet and also have 10 years on the police force but decided he could no longer stomach it so he changed careers and met Zac not too long after and they clicked. While filling Fatima in on his back ground henry pulled up to the Marina where his yacht was docked. Now mind you Zac has had this boat for years and only took it out 3x tops he never felt anyone was special enough for him to go all out for until Fatima.

Zac- Okay we're here, you can take off your blind fold, walking over to help her so she doesn't mess up her hair.
Fatima- (mouth drops) really all this for me?

Thank yall for the suggestions, please keep them coming ! I'll definitely try to write a few in. As far as outfits go would yall prefer seeing devale and crystal in the pics or just pics like above?

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