Chapter 36 The morning after

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Ramona: *groans* "omg my head is killing meeee"

Jackson: "mine too" *he puts his hand on his head*

Rocki: "I feel fine, what about you Val?" *She looks at Val*

Val: "I feel fine too"

Ramona: "so this is what a hangover feels like huh, never again will I drink." *She gets up and goes to the bathroom*

Jackson: "Poor Ramona, she's throwing up in there"

Rocki: "She'll be fine"

Val: "It sucks how I leave tomorrow"

Ramona: *comes out of the bathroom* "remind me to never drink alcohol ever again"

Rocki: "Damn... I'm gonna miss you"

Jackson: "me too!"

Ramona: "and me"

Val: "I'm going to miss all of you too! I remember the first day I came here. Ramona and I were talking about BTS"

Ramona: "and Seventeen and other KPop groups"

Jackson: "didn't you hook up with some guy from Seventeen?"

Rocki: "You hooked up with a member of Seventeen??? Who??? And where!!"

Val: "Mingyu, while we were on the cruise"

Rocki: "OMG! You hooked up with Mingyu!!!! He's my main bias!!! Minghao is my bias wrecker"

Jackson: "does everyone know about Seventeen except me?"

Ramona: "yeah pretty much"

Rocki: "Jackson is probably jealous cause we talk about KPop men and not him"

Jackson: "you literally hooked up with me yesterday, and now you're talking about wanting to hookup with Seventeen"

Ramona: "YOU DID WHAT!!!? Ow ow my head!" *She close her eyes and puts her hand on her head*

Rocki: "It was just a hookup Jackson, none of that is supposed to matter. It was meant as nothing"

Val: "woah...."

It's an awkward moment

Val: "I mean... hookups are meant as nothing. But mine and Mingyu felt like it meant something. I have his number and we texted every day"

Rocki: "wow, lucky girl"

Ramona: "Jackson.... What would your mother think! Rocki could get pregnant! Did you use protection?"

Rocki: "so what if I get pregnant? I can always abort or give up the baby"

Jackson; "I could be a dad"

Ramona: "you actually want to be a dad? Are you ready for the huge responsibilities that comes with raising a baby?"

Val: "it's hard work, I used to baby sit this baby and damn, she cries SO MUCH!! Made me want to pull my hair out."

Ramona: "yeah, or having to change its diaper, having to buy diapers, baby clothes, baby accessories. Having to wake up at 3am cause the baby is crying, having to find someone to take care of the baby if you need to go out."

Rocki: "we get it. Like I said, I can abort of give it up. There's always someone out there looking for a baby"

Jackson: "but I want to keep the baby"

Rocki: "then you can have him, I don't want a baby"

Jackson: "we're having a boy???"

Rocki: "no! I'm not pregnant. I just said 'him' as an example"

Val: "all I have to say is... be careful what you wish/ask for" *She's in the kitchen making pancakes*

Rocki: "why do I get the feeling you were pregnant?"

Val: "I had to abort the baby... if my parents found I got pregnant... I would have been in a lot of trouble. I got rid of it way before I had a bump. And since I eat a lot anyways, my parents never suspected a thing"

Ramona: "wow..."

Jackson: "that's tough.... Hey, what ya making?"

Val: "some pancakes.. hopefully eating something will get y'all better"

Ramona: "Where's Stephanie? Didn't she say she has a cure?"

Jackson: "oh yeah! I'll text her to come over"

Val: "hope she comes quickly, cause since I'm leaving tomorrow, everyone would either come here or us go to the house"

Ramona: "oh Yeahh. You're right"

Jackson: "I sent the text, she said she'll be here in 5 mins and is excited about the pancakes"

Val: "you told her, I'm making pancakes?"

Jackson: "yeah, food is the only way for her to come quick."

Steph knocks on the door.

Jackson: *opens the door* "Hey aunt Steph!"

Steph: "Hey everyone! How are y'all?"

Val: "Fine"

Ramona: "with a killer headache, and I threw up"

Jackson: "my head hurts too"

Steph: "Wow, Ramona's first hangover. Reminds me of my first hangover. Ahh the memories..... anyways, here's the cure for your pains, drink up and don't ask what's in it"

Ramona; "you sure this works?" *She grabs the drink*

Steph: "works like a charm, here Jackson" *she hands one to Jackson*

Jackson grabs it and drinks it, Ramona looks at Jackson then she also drinks it.

Steph: "you should feel the results in a few moments"

Val: *puts the pancakes in the middle of the table, she also sets the table.* "pancakes are ready!"

Steph: "ooh just in time!" *she grabs a plate and a pancake*

Rocki makes coffee.

Jackson and Ramona gets a plate and serves themselves a pancake, Val does the same.

Steph: "Eating right after drinking the cure helps even more"

Ramona: *takes a bite* "wow, your cure really works! I feel so much better! Thanks Steph!"

Jackson: "Yeah, I feel better too!"

Val: "good thing it works quickly, cause we were just about to go over there. Since I'm leaving tomorrow"

Steph: "I can't believe how this summer went by so quickly. All the things we have done together. And now you're leaving tomorrow"

Val: "I'll tell my mom and see if y'all can come over for thanksgiving! Or we come there!"

Steph: "that would be lovely"

Rocki: "I made some coffee if anyone wants some" *she puts the coffee on the table and serves herself some coffee and gets a pancake*

Steph: "wow, I didn't think you ever go near a stove"

Rocki: *looks at Steph* "only to make my coffee"

Jackson: "she'll go near a stove for her coffee or if she's at an enemies house and she needs to burn the place down"

Rocki: "sounds about right. Also, these pancakes are amazing!"

Val: "thanks. Back at home, our cooks taught me how to cook. Since my parents were never really around, I would just hang out with the staff."

Ramona: "wow, having staff must be nice"

Val: "Yeahh."

They finish eating and get ready to go to Dj's house to celebrate Val's final party with them.

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