Chapter-11 The kickback

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Jackson: *Goes into the girls room* "Ramona, Val wake up!"

Val: *She wakes up* "What?"

Ramona: "Yeah what"

Jackson: "Today's Saturday! The kickback Rocki invited us to"

Val: "Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that"

Ramona: "Aren't we still grounded for taking Jesse's car"

Jackson: "Dang it... you're right"

Val: "What are we gonna do now?"

DJ: *Walks in* : "good morning, so tonight we're gonna go out.... but you 3 are still grounded. And Jackson, you're gonna babysit your brothers tonight"

Jackson: "WHAT!! Can you get someone else to do it?"

DJ: "No, you are grounded remember? You should have thought twice before going on that adventure" *She walks out*

Jackson: "Great... I gotta babysit Max and Tommy"

Ramona: "Welp I guess we can't go, oh well"

Jackson: "No I can't blow off Rocki like that, I already messed up this relationship too many times, now her inviting us and we not show up... she'll hate me forever!"

Val: "What if we tell her we can't make it?"

Ramona: "Yeah, maybe she'll understand"

Jackson: "No...we're sneaking out. When they leave, Ima explain my plan"

Val: "Okay... how are we going to escape Max?"

Jackson: "hmmm I'll think of something" *He goes to his room*

Ramona: "Idk about this....."

Val: "Yeah, me either.... I use to be a rebellious person, able to do what ever I want... But that's only cuz my parents were never really around...."

Ramona: "Yeahh" *She looks at her* 

Rocki: *Calls Jackson* "Yo you still coming to the Kickback right?"

Jackson: *On phone* "Of course babe"

Rocki: *On phone* "Okay, it starts at 9pm" *She hangs up*

Jackson; "Wow 9pm... that's usually the time we come home from parties cuz of my mom"

Max: "Uhh Jackson... Who are you talking to?"

Jackson: *he looks at Max* "uhh my Psychiatrist"

Max: "You have a psychiatrist? It's about time mom got you one" *He leaves the room*

Jackson: *Exhaled* "Uhh that was close"

DJ: "Thanks Aunt Melanie for baking this cake, it looks amazing!"

Aunt Melanie: "No problem boo, it's just like how I made it when y'all were kids"

Steph: "So we'll bring this to the party tonight"

Aunt Melanie: "Oh that's tonight??? I have to catch my flight back home"

DJ: "Aww, well it was nice to have you over" *She hugs Mel*

Aunt Melanie: "It was nice coming back... although the reality show was something" *she hugs back*

Steph: "Please visit more often! So you can bake us goodies!" *She also hugs Mel*

Aunt Melanie: "Haha will do!" *She hugs Steph, she gets her suits cases and walks to the front door* "My Uber is here"

DJ: "KIDS! Aunt Melanie is leaving, come say goodbye!"

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