Chapter 20- The Aloha State

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The cruise finally arrived in Hawaii. 

DJ: "Oh my lanta! We're here!" *She gets her stuff ready*

Ramona: *She looks out the window* "Guys, we're here!" 

Val: *Also looks out the window* "Finally!"

Jackson was still asleep, DJ walks in. 

DJ: "Hey you guys ready? We're here." *She sees Jackson and wakes him up* "Jackson! Get up, it's time to go"

Jackson: *Slowly wakes up* "Go where?" 

DJ: "Time to get off this cruise so we can enjoy our time in Hawaii! Hurry up everyone's out waiting for you." *She walks out the room*

Val and Ramona get their things and walks out the room. Jackson gets up and gets dressed. 

Max: "Holy chalupa, this view is magnificent!" 

Fernando: "It's beautiful, like you Kimberlina" *He kisses her*

Kimmy: "Oh Fernando" *She kisses him back*

Stephanie, baby and Jimmy look at the view. 

Steph: "Look baby, this is Hawaii! Say Aloha"

Jimmy: "Aloha!"

Steph: "I was talking to the baby"

Jimmy: "Oh... yeah I knew that..."

Jackson gets out of the room.

DJ: "Okay, so everyone's out, lets go!" *They all walk towards the exit*

Cruise Employee: "Thank you for choosing Carnival! We hope you enjoy your stay in the beautiful island of Oahu!" 

DJ: "Thank you! Come on everyone"

Val: "Aunt DJ, my mom sent us a cab. So look for the name Tanner"

DJ: "She did? Thanks Michelle"

Steph: "I still can't believe the youngest Tanner is the richest Tanner"

DJ: "Yeah ikr" 

They find their ride, 

Driver: "Hello Tanner family! I will be your designated driver for your entire stay in Hawaii! Let me help you with the bags." *The driver puts the bags in the trunk, another driver pulls up*

Driver 2: "I will also be your designated driver!"

DJ: "Oh thank you! Half of us go here and the other half go there."

Jackson: "Mom, which car are you getting in?"

DJ: "This one, why" 

Jackson: "Okay bye mom!" *He takes Val and Ramona's hand and walk towards the other car.*

DJ: "Oh okay bye"

Kimmy: "Wow, our kids don't wanna be with us"

DJ: "Yeah.." *She gets in the back, Kimmy and Fernando follow.*

Jimmy: "I'll go with the kids" 

Steph: "Okay honey" *She kisses him*

Jimmy kisses back and walks towards the other car.

Max: "And what about us?" 

DJ: "Tommy can stay with me, you go with Jackson" *She puts Tommy on her lap*

Steph: "Hey Kimmy, wanna hold baby?"

Kimmy: "Yess please!" 

Steph gives Kimmy the Baby, then she sits in the front. They all put their seat belts on

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